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About JD.O2

  • Birthday 12/24/1982

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  • Model
    201 MSE Missile
  • Base
    KTIW / 5H4

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  1. I’m having a similar issue—with the rudder centered the ailerons (yoke and surfaces) show a slight tilt leftward. In flight, with ailerons centered, I need to apply a slight amount of left rudder to keep the ball centered. Is there a way to adjust the interconnect to center the controls relative to each other? 1993 20J 300 Missile
  2. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I’m not sure how or why this was left out of my AFM, but I need to get to get to work and update the supplemental section.
  3. I recently purchased a 20J Missile with the Monroy Conversion (w/ speedbrakes), but it looks like the flight manual supplement is missing. Does anyone out there have a fuel conversion table?
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