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    Eastern NC KPGV / KMRH

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  1. Originally from Minnesota. We were snowed in for 5 days during my Jr year in high school and told my parents, "I'm heading south for college." Ended up pulling time in the military. (I was not ready to go at this world alone at that point.) Spent all of my time working Avionics. (C141a and KC10s - Yeah, the fact that I worked on C141s means I'm bald and what hair I have left is gray.) Currently, I live in NC. However, I travel a lot for work.
  2. I am interested in buying an airplane. I have 400 hours in 150's to 182 Cessnas. Some training time in an Archer and a Bonanza. My flights are typically 700-1,200nm. Although, I have flown a 182 on a 1,700 nm trip almost across the entire country. Currently, looking at a Turbo 182. I have heard a lot about Mooneys. How do I locate an owner, who would be willing to take me up? Thanks, MarkN
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