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About Norf9

  • Birthday 10/30/1979

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  1. Thanks!
  2. Thanks @whiskytango, if you don't mind sharing, what were your useful loads like on the k models? I found some old threads here, and the answers seem to be all over the place. I've been looking at the numbers and anything less than 850/900lbs seems to be pushing it. I don't really plan on flying more than 3 hours at a time (limited by my passenger bladders) but I'm estimating by the time I'd be looking to move up my pax + fuel + reserves are around 850-880lbs.
  3. Thanks Paul, that would be awesome! I'll send you a pm.
  4. Haha, nope flying IMC in the mountains is not my idea of fun. The instrument rating is more about making sure that I don't get stranded for weeks on end due to low couds.
  5. Hi @Mcstealth, right now I'm finishing up my ppl. Once this is complete, my goal is to purchase the plane, go through transition training, and then start my IR. My main mission is flying from my home in Dallas up into Colorado on a monthly or bi-monthly basis with the family. As an aside, I don't plan on actually taking any of these trips until after the IR is done (and even then I'd probably rather go through a mountain flying class before taking the family up). Aside from that I am looking at shorter trips down to Galveston and the occasional trip to Florida. I've looked into the insurance and ownership/acquisition cost situation and it seems that the Mooneys give you a bit more bang for the buck, but I don't really have any experience with them.
  6. Hi all, I’m looking into buying a plane in the next couple of months. Right now I’m looking at t182rg, or a m20k. My mission involves flying into some high DA airports, so a turbo is a must. I have experience flying 172s mainly (although I’ve been a passenger in a 182). Is there anyone in the DFW area that would be willing to let me check out their plane (or go for a ride)? Thanks, Ian
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