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Dana Blix

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  1. Bob Randolph emailed Chief late night on 9-22, indicating he had concerns and on how to proceed with a warranty claim on a G5-30 purchased 5/19, This is the standard HSI kit that included a GAD29b and GMU11. This is referenced as his Primary PFD herein. Before I could read the email he was on the phone early 9-23 asking for assistance on how to expedite a warranty claim. Before we could answer that we asked how he came to the conclusion that the GMU is defective and we sought out a couple additional questions when we heard, "yeah, I think my GAD29 is going as well and I want that checked out also". This sounded wrong, too many things wrong, we've literally sold a thousand of these and never have had a warranty request. At that time I was under the impression that he was located in Oregon since I noticed that he had the unit sent to an Oregon address. He was told that in order for Chief Avionics to proceed and request an RMA from Garmin that we had to verify the failure per Garmin's policy. Because he was expecting everything to be covered under warranty he was told since we are a 145 repair station we had to open a work order and provide the inspection and the cost for that would likely be an hour of labor and would be $120.00. He was also told that any Garmin dealer could verify claimed failures and submit it for warranty to Garmin. There was at no time in this conversation did I mention or ask why he had the product installed by Baker avionics, that was provided in his email. There was no time that I mentioned that Baker was cutting into our business nor did I mention anything about business. We all understand that Bob is a fanboy booster for Baker. My heartburn with Baker started the day I received a call from the FBI telling me that it was Baker who stole my personal and Chief Avionics credit information and sold it to others after he departed Chief Avionics. Baker competes on the same airport however for over 35 years the 99% of Chief Avionics business doesn't come from this airport, so the statement is fictitious and hyperbolic. Chief Avionics is a Garmin Platinum dealer and works hard to maintain that, it means this and includes the writer of bah humbug, we're busy and we don't have time to meddle in other people's business and make baseless statements. Our goal is to keep it professional and have fun while doing our jobs. All Customers who seek warranty repair are treated respectfully, as was Bob. Manufactures have different warranty procedures for providing them with proof or evidence when it comes to electrical or mechanical failure. Garmin requires dealers to provide some evidence that electronics fails have been vetted. Bob has intentionally misrepresented parts of a conversation that weren't even discussed, he was offered a path to attain his request for warranty as well as other options. Justice Clarence Thomas was asked in a 2018 interview about how he felt about serving so many years on the highest court, saying. "I don't understand why so many people say they're a victim, when they're the ones doing the provoking".
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