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Paul Ferraris

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  1. Still looking!
  2. What I am looking for is the different LOP settings (percentage of power, manifold and RPM settings) and speeds. I regularly ran 75% power in my Seneca V with all CHT's below 370. The motor in the Seneca V is not the same as in the Encore but is not all that different.
  3. Thanks for the replies. Anyone run 75% power in the cruise LOP? That would be 12 GPH.
  4. Hi


    Pleae advise if your KLN94 still available.




    1. JKiessling


      Yes did you get pictures? 

  5. Thanks for the reply. Have been running all my aircraft LOP since 2002 so do understand what LOP entails - even did some articles to educate South African pilots on LOP with John Deakin's help. Have just purchased an Encore and it would be interesting to see what maniford, RPM and fuel flow the Encore owners run. I ran my Seneca V (with turbo 360 motors and intercooled) at 12GPH which equates to around 74% power. Ran great.
  6. Please can all who have units for sale contact me with pricing at paul@legally.co.za. Thanks Paul Ferraris
  7. Looking for clean KLN 94. Paul paul@legally.co.za
  8. Please could someone supply LOP power settings and performance figures for an Encore. Paul paul@legally.co.za
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