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  1. I have a set of old rigging boards and they say for use on M20A-B-C-D-E-F-G. My question is if the boards are the same for a J model or if they changed at that year.
  2. Flying at 5500 and 6500 yesterday. 2400 RPM, 21" MP, 50deg ROP, ~140ktas Even at WOT, ROP, 2500 rpm at any altitude I've not seen anything over 145ktas. Does the 175ktas (201 mph) actually exist?
  3. I have a 1977 M20J 201 with an IO-360-A3B6D. This model boasted 201 mph back in its time, but I average about 150 mph groundspeed (~135 kt true). It trims out nice in flight but just curious what others see. I've also noticed the elevator has a natural downforce to it because of the bungee springs in the back. That tension decreases SOME when the tail is trimmed, but curious if anyone knows why those springs are there, and if it's possible it could be causing any drag in flight? Any other mods or tweaks to improve speed or is what i am seeing normal?
  4. I noticed the fuel pickup tube on my 77' M20J is leaking into the cabin. The other photos on this thread show a Phillip's screw heads holding it on, but mine appears to be riveted to the tank. Would I have to drill them out and put a gasket between, or is it treated as a tank reseal around that area from the inside? Is there a retrofit kit to convert it to screws? I've also attached a pic from the good side for reference.
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