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Everything posted by Seth1001

  1. Just a PSA for those with switch issues. If you're anything like me and your electric trim don't work, it's probably because the wires just kinda fell off the switch. It's a terrible design as far as keeping the wires attached goes. Here's some crude pictures of how it's supposed to be wired. The switch is labeled "trim up/down" on the face side indicated by the picture for orientation reference. The colors indicate which color stripe is on the wire that goes where. I know it's not as easy to understand as it could be, but there's honestly nothing better and/or nothing actually correct out there. I had to figure this out on my own. It's for basic Century IIb autopilots with electric stab trim from the factory line. Good luck.
  2. Thanks for the input everyone. I ended up ordering just the cabin door lock with one extra key from Medeco. It cost about $150 bucks. Maybe a little expensive but compared to most costs for plane stuff...just a drop in the bucket. We'll see how difficult it is to install.
  3. Hey fellas, My lock cylinder keep vibrating into undesirable positions when I'm flying. Last time I got trapped in the plane I had to take off the door panel and disassemble the lock mechanism by hand. Now my plane is lockless. Is there an adjustment I can make to solve that issue or do I just need to buy a new cylinder? Where could I get one? Is it generic enough to just get a locksmith to install a new one for me? It's for a '77 J model if that makes a difference.
  4. Alright I've done a lot more troubleshooting and come to a conclusion, though I'd like some input from people if anyone knows anything. I've confirmed that there's good continuity on all the pins on both sides. I've confirmed that the indicator and the nav/comm are in perfect working order. I've confirmed that there's good continuity between the nav coax connector on the tray and the nearest coupler for that cable. My conclusion therefore is that there must be a problem with the antenna cable somewhere between that coupler and the antenna. It's worth noting that the nav/comm apparently gets no signal from the VOR antenna because there's no identifier or voice coming over the test frequency, unlike on navcomm 2, which gives me good morse. Both navcomms use the same VOR antenna if my understanding is correct. I'm pretty sure there's only that one on the tail. However, the center pin on the nav antenna tray connector has good continuity with ground, which is perplexing to me because that seems to indicate that the connection makes it all the way to the antenna. I've read lots of people arguing in various forums over whether or not that should be the case. I wanted to test nav/comm 2's connector see if it also grounded out but I couldn't get the damn thing out of the tray. I guess I could have disconnected a coupler and checked but I had other things to do. Does anyone have any inputs for me?
  5. Alright I checked all the pins and that isn't the issue. I stared at the wiring diagram for a while and apparently pin 3 on the nav/comm is LOC out and pin 2 is the input for that wire on the KI 209. I'm gonna have to go back and figure out if I've got good continuity there. If continuity is good than the antenna must be the issue from what I can tell. Does any have any other theories?
  6. Hey fellas, I got a KI-209 hooked up to a kn-57 (i think) glideslope and a kx-170. A while back the thing started being intermittent and then just took a total dump. I changed the navcomm, that didn't work. I changed the 209, same result. What else could it be? The antenna maybe? Clearly the thing gets power because it twitches when I turn on the navcomm. But I can't get any reading from it when I use the test VOR frequency. When I'm flying I'll see the glidescope line move like that's working, but the CDI needle is dead, no to or from indicator, just flags. What else could be my problem? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. No, I still have my vacuum driven systems as well. That being said, I've never flown into IMC with my plane. I live in the southwest so opportunities for that are few and far between. I would trust the ADI function though. It's fairly responsive and doesn't lag too bad. The HSI function, however....that thing tends to drift pretty hard when it's in compass card mode. If I have it slaved to the GPS track though, it's golden. So it's not a perfect instrument. I just appreciate the redundancy I have now for a pretty good price.
  8. I have the AV-30C in my M20J. It's been great so far. The looks are just so much better than the G5. Having this big square jutting out of your panel looks awful compared to the sleek circular design of the AV-30. You can get the GI 275's if you want to compete with the looks, but it'll cost you (literally) thousands more to achieve the same functionality. The only benefit of the G5 is that it has a glideslope built in. I'm still clinging to the hope that a software upgrade could add that function to the AV-30, but it's not likely. No matter though, I have a CDI slaved to the GPS for glideslope anyway. As far as connectivity with an autopilot goes...I don't know...my autopilot doesn't work well.
  9. Check that....it's not the same as the "M"...I've just had too much to drink. Same as the E though...
  10. The FAR says I can totally do this myself as long as it's not a modification, but a direct replacement. I just paid $2400 for a basic 500 hr mag repair, so I'm done having anybody else do work for me. The only thing I'm going to pay somebody to do from now on is the annual inspection. I have a part manual...it's part 430026-002. Now that I've put more effort into searching...I see that it's the same as the corrugated "E" model as well as the "M" model. I guess we got to the bottom of that. Now it's time to get it for less than $1k. I can't live like this. It cost millions to keep this thing flying...especially if you want it looking good in the process.
  11. I haven't seen the actual part number for sale anywhere on the internet in the last 9 months. What's a man to do?
  12. I've got a '77 M20J with a right elevator that was crumpled a little bit by the previous owner. It still flies but it's an eyesore on an otherwise nice looking airplane. It's really hard to find a "J" elevator for sale. Does anyone know if a "K" or a corrugated "E" elevator is identical to the "J"? Maybe an "F"? A "G"? Would an elevator from the "M" work? They can't all be slightly different. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Oh wait, I didn't realize the KNS80 was a huge center stack deal. I probably won't go with that. We'll see though. I'll come up with some way to get classic DME but that'll be further down the line if need be. Thanks again for the suggestions.
  14. The 530W looks like a good deal mostly because I can get a used one for 5k. I haven't seen the 430W for any less than that so I figured I might as well have a bigger screen. I'm sure it has other features that the 430 doesn't have too. But like I said, I'm leaning towards the 175 because it's a new product and I could still keep both of my old KX-170s. I guess we'll see though. I'll probably fish around for a VOR/GS/DME rig to replace the ADF dealio. Then I'll put the AV-30 in place of that busted GPS. Then I'll mount the 175 in the center stack, possibly below the audio switch panel just to make sure everything fits. Bada Bing. Thanks for the input everyone.
  15. Yeah I understand the lack of any "real need" for DME. However, I would like to have IFR capability without the GPS working at all. In other words, I want two completely independent IFR packages. I also really like the features of the G5, but I hate the looks. I need the setup to maintain the original round dial look. I'm not looking to go full digital newest and best. I'm a big fan of the old school stuff. In fact I wouldn't even want to get rid of the ADF if it actually worked...which it doesn't. I wouldn't mind replacing it with the KNS80 that you speak of. Then I could keep my current comm/navs rigged to the current LOC/VOR, and hook up the 175 to the new (still old) one...especially since the AV-30 doesn't do glideslope or anything. Of course I think I can hook the same system to multiple VOR/LOCs. I'm really not sure. I can pick up an AV-30 and a GPS 175 for about 6k. What do shops typically charge to install those mugs? Millions?
  16. Hello Everyone, I want to add LPV capability to my setup as well as an old-school DME rig and a digital ADI. I don't know exactly what DME module I want but I'm planning on adding an AV-30C as soon as they come out. As far as the GPS it's between an old Garmin 530W or a new GPS 175. I've attached some mockup photos for your review. Any other details or perils or options that you think I should consider? What would you do and why? Thanks in advance.
  17. I ended up going with EGA. The 3 shops at North Las Vegas are Apex, EGA, and Lone Mountain. Lone Mountain is the only one of the three that's "Mooney certified". However, I was less than impressed with the work they did for me previously and they were, in fact, the ones that quoted me at almost $3.8k for an annual. Apex was about $2.2k and EGA is $2.1k. I think I'll be going to Apex or EGA for all of my future needs, assuming this annual goes well. Thanks for the suggestions.
  18. The annual just expired at the end of February. Prior to that it was flown regularly so it's in pretty good shape. I'll ask that guy if he knows anybody. Thanks.
  19. Yeah that's the one. Gotta be one floating around looking to make some extra cash.
  20. I'm trying to find a dude who's actively looking for work...like a part-time freelance dude. If I search, I could find some names but then I'd just end up soliciting guys who may or may not even be looking for something to do. Also most of the posts on the subject are from years ago.
  21. Hey fellas, I'm looking for a good mechanic in Las Vegas (or willing to come to Las Vegas) to do the annual inspection for my '77 M20J. There's nothing wrong with the plane that I'm aware of but the local shop wants to charge me an excess of $3.5k just to look it over and change the oil. Having dealt with the shop before, I'm also quite sure they're going to "find" lots of things that needs to be "replaced" that they can charge me for. Post or DM me if anybody is interested or knows somebody. I'm looking to get it signed off in early May. Thanks in advance.
  22. Yeah they said it indicated a clog in the pitot system but it works fine when I'm flying it. It picks up right about 20 knots and indicates spot on the whole time I'm flying. I wasn't there to see it but the shop manager says he double-checked the setup and everything was rigged correctly. I have no idea what the issue could be.
  23. I'm having a problem getting the IFR cert updated on my 77 M20J. The shop rigged up their pitot static dealio and they got the altitude and VSI and whatnot to work but they can't get the airspeed indicator to move at all. They thought it was broken but I took the thing flying and it works like a champ. I don't know enough about the systems yet to figure this out on my own. Does anyone have any idea why the airspeed works fine in the air but won't work with their test setup? '
  24. I tracked down a guy named Mark Webb out of Salisbury. Hopefully it goes alright.
  25. I actually tried to get in touch with Tom about a month back but he never responded. I found a guy in Salisbury but he has a pretty full schedule so we'll see how it goes.
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