Hello. I have 15years in the epoxý coating business. I respect all you and your experience. But, I will say, I cringe when reading a lot of these.
1. Avoid home depot epoxý at all coat. It’s low grade epoxý and will peel.
2. Avoid Sherwin Williams too. They are in the wall paint business, there flooring products are better than Home Depot, but just barely.
3. Acid washing is fine, doing it twice is better...but if you really want your coating to last, have it professionally Diamond Grinded or shot blasted. This is probably the best advice of any I can give you.
4. Get your epoxý from a specialty epoxý supply house. Most major cities have a distributor for such products. Buy the highest percent of solids two part epoxý you can get (100% solids is the highest and best grade).
5. Finally: if you can afford it, have it professionally installed by a good firm with the right equipment and installation skills.
Seth Thompson