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  1. No formation time. Would love to find someone nearby with a k for transition training! Know anyone?
  2. Yeah thanks for giving me the mooney virus Ned!! Lol
  3. Hey guys. Looking for a cfi to fly with me from calgary to montreal in a newly purchased k model. Would take the flight time to learn complex from someone with mooney k experience since i have only ever flown a 172. Would be end of june or early july.
  4. Has mooney really shutdown again?
  5. Thanks again Ned for the mooney experience! Would have loved to be able to buy you lunch! Maybe next time around! You have made a believer out of me. Love the low wing experience. Flys alot heavier than a skyhawk but feels right! It is true what they say about the mooney zoom!! Lol
  6. I will make sure to be there around 3:00.
  7. Wow. I am working til noon but could meet you there after a quick shower and talk a little. Its my spouses bday tomorrow but i think she will forgive me if i take a little time to go meet you! Lol.
  8. Who would be the closest mooney cfi to get my 10-15 hrs to make the insurance companies happy...and me safer! Lol
  9. Merci. Dumb mais je suis nouveau sur ce site. Comment je fait te contacter en prive ici?! Lol
  10. Thanks Ned. I got in contact with someone in quebec with an E and i think he is willing to allow me to fly with him. If it doesnt work out i will write you. Thanks.
  11. Thanks! Looking to meet mooneys in quebec to get a feel for the plane through local flyers!! Hope to meet you guys soon.
  12. Hey mooniacs! I am a new low time pilot (125hrs) looking at buying my first plane. I have only ever flown a 172 highwing and am in love with the specs of the mooneys. But before i decide i was curious to fly in one to see if i would really like it or is it just curb appeal! Any mooniacs in quebec canada area (im in bromont) willing to take me up for an easy relaxed short local flight to get a feel for these machines?! Thanks in advance.
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