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Hawk Aircraft Services

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Everything posted by Hawk Aircraft Services

  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I got put in MooneySpace jail for my post. Oh well, I guess I need to pay closer attention to the rules which I have never been good at. Sara
  3. You guys are killing me. Because prices vary based on color scheme, etc I cannot post prices on here. If you contact the office we would be happy to send you an estimate. contact me directly at: sara@hawkaircraft.com or call 813-549-3200 Thanks, Sara
  4. We still paint with Imron paint according to the big boss.
  5. My son just started playing high school football, one more thing I take lots of pictures of besides the Mooney. Sara
  6. Wow, thank you so much for the kind words and support! Sara
  7. Yayyyyyyy thanks for sharing. That's a Hawk Aircraft paint job for sure!
  8. LOVE THAT PAINT JOB!! Thanks for sharing. Sara
  9. Not Instagram. it's Lightroom. Color shows better outdoors. In the hangar there is a lot of different lighting including florescent which throws the colors off. But I am guilty of boosting the blue in said photos. Sara
  10. Below is the details you requested: Thanks, Sara
  11. As far as price that will be specific to color scheme so I really can't give you ball park on that. Below is the bottom half of the quote that gives you all the specifics of work done: Thanks, Sara
  12. I will gladly post pictures of all the Mooneys that we paint. Hawk Aircraft Services has been around for 35 years with a great reputation for doing impeccable work. Sara
  13. No, they are not stored outside we just move them around during the day. Sara
  14. Hello, I am new to the group and we paint lots of beautiful airplanes and I like to share with the enthusiasts. Currently in the shop, we have many aircrafts ranging from Cessna 150 to Cessna 414A. I am very partial to this Mooney we are currently painting with the beautiful blue paint so I wanted to share some current images. I will send pictures once we are done with it. Thanks, Sara @ Hawk Aircraft Services 813-549-3200 https://www.facebook.com/hawkaircraftservices/
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