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Tclark last won the day on August 5 2019

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About Tclark

  • Birthday 05/29/1979

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    Marshall Michigan
  • Interests
    All things classic
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  1. Thank you.
  2. I will look back and see if that was the area. It's been since March lol. I know that it was close to Tulsa.
  3. I will get some more pics of her and add soon.
  4. Yes sir it is a wood wing.
  5. carusoam. Thanks for the welcome and the suggestions. I will do that for sure.
  6. New to the group. Thanks for having me. I am new to owning an airplane also. I took a risk on this A model after falling for it while taking it apart for a pre buy inspection. I love all things vintage and or classic if you will. My risk has paid off in my opinion. After getting her back in annual and starting my flight instruction in her she is great to fly and has left a lasting impression on the people that have been up with me in her. It was buy her and bring her back or see it parted out. I could not stand the thought of a piece of Mooney history parted out. N6003X was in Oklahoma for most of its life and now lives in Michigan and I could not be more pleased to have her. I have spent a lot of time fixing things and cleaning her up. She spent 24 years on the ground and now she goes out twice a week until I get my training done. This group is great. Thanks to all that post and answer questions it has helped me so much.
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