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  1. Thank you all for the quick responses. I will find out if there has been anything done on the fuel tanks. Trying to compare this to a Beechcraft c24r which is also available for similar pricing. I'm from a small town so I'm not sure if there's a CFI around with Mooney experience but I'll see what I can do on that front. This plane is really far away but seems like a decent deal, has around 2800 Total time and around 900 SMOH. Thanks again for all your help, I heard this community of Mooney owners was awesome and you've definitely shown that.
  2. Hi, Hopefully you guys can help. I just recently finished my ppl and am hoping to buy a plane to take my family around and complete my commercial hours. Would the m20J serve this purpose? I have 2 small children and my wife and I, looking to do some cross country in whichever plane I buy. I'm currently looking at a 1978 m20J. Looks like it's got some good avionics but had a prop strike 10 years ago, the engine was dismantled and looked at. Also for a few years it didn't fly much like 40 hours over 3 years, is this something I should worry about? Anything with that year I should look out for? Thanks in advance for any help you can give. Joe
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