I can relate to your points. I understand that driving a 5 speed manual car you have more control of engine and somewhat fuel economy., but also burn more fuel if you drive a 5sp incorrectly. The FADEC system is tuned different for each engine of course. For work load and safety of new pilots its takes a lot of stress out of them. The FADEC engine is like flying for dummies engine management wise. Imagined all we have are stick shift cars? There would probably be a lot less drivers on the road and more accidents with new drivers popping their clutch and rear ending others. If GA is to grow the FADEC system would need to become the norm like automatic transmission in the automobile. I would trust the europeans on this.. North Americans are too slow at times. Remember how Porn was such a taboo topics? well the Europeans had SEKA as a household name and look at us now. Some parents even consider their daughters to have a career in Porn. Remember Weed was such bad drug and you would go to jail just mentioning it, the Dutch was selling it at corner stores. I wondered what percentage of cars in Europe are diesel?