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    Anything that flies!
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  1. Thank you!
  2. LOL you are correct-each shirt is hand made by me and with love! It's really fun to make these shirts because I'm not just reselling something I buy in bulk. I design each of the different files myself, cut out and peel the vinyl, and make the shirt all myself. I'm a one-man shop! I take pride in making them as perfect as I can and I really enjoy doing it. Thanks so much for your order! By the way, coming soon to my YouTube channel (Kitplane Enthusiast) will be a video I'm making on how I make the shirts and stickers!
  3. Hi Amelia, Thank you for checking out my website. It is true I don't have specific women's shirts. It presents a little bit of a problem because if I wanted to offer a specific woman's shirt, I'd have to buy a few the blank shirts in all of the colors and all of the sizes incase someone ordered one. And honestly, I just don't have a demand for ladies shirts. I can make any airplane into a shirt or sticker, but it has to be on one of the blank shirts that I can stock. If you did want to special order something, let me know and I can order a woman's style shirt with my next t-shirt order! Thank you again, Mark
  4. Hey all, after making lots of airplane building videos, this is my first real attempt to make an interesting "flying" type video. A few of us from the airpark decided to fly to 51M and have our own fly-in breakfast! It was a perfect day for flying and exercising the Mooney. The beginning of the video is something I did to try to be creative-let me know if you like it! Enjoy and thanks for watching!
  5. Hey guys-I'm the one that makes the Mooney shirts and I thank you very much for your orders! The t-shirt business is really just a hobby for me that buys me a few gallons of 100LL for my beautiful '62 M20C! I have a couple videos of me in the Mooney dogfighting a Glasiar on my YouTube channel called "Kitplane Enthusiast". I also have a few other Mooney videos there too if you are interested. I bought my Mooney exactly one year ago and so far I've added a GTX-335 with ADS-B, a JPI engine monitor, new pucks, and I'm working on installing a new AirTex interior. Thanks again fellow aviators!
  6. How well does a Mooney do in a dogfight? Watch to find out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZIRN310R_Q
  7. I'm not sure if Airtex has an update for the 62 seats, but I was able to get the 64 seats for free, and I think they are a much better frame. The 62 seat frames have wire and springs under the seats much like a car seat. Those wires and springs are worn out on mine, so I preferred to get the newer style seat and upgrade those. Perhaps just adding thicker foam would have worked fine, but I like the new seat better. FYI...I just posted a video of a couple of my Mooney upgrades..
  8. These are the lights: https://aeroleds.com/products/pulsar-nsp-11-1280-c-12/
  9. The advantage for me was that I could buy a new interior and seat kit from Airtex to fit the new seats. So the new seats I got are an ugly brown, but that didn't matter because I'm replacing the front and back seats. The frames get reused, but the foam and fabric is new. When I ordered the seats and carpet about 5 weeks or so ago, they said there is a 16 week wait to get the seats! So, I'm still waiting for mine. In the mean time, I've added an ADSB transponder, new AeroLED nav/strobes, and I'm currently installing a JPI 730. Next purchase will be an autopilot once it's certified. Love this Mooney!! If you guys are interested in the AeroLED lights, they are super easy to install. The mounts fit the same three holes as the old lights.
  10. The seat fit the same rail, but they are completely different. The '62 seats are a welded steel tube frame, whereas the '64 seats are a built up aluminum structure. These seats will fit nicely in your baggage compartment. When I got the '64 seats, I flew down to Dayton to pick them up. I changed the out right on the ramp and put the old ones in my baggage compartment.
  11. I have replaced my seats in my '62 Mooney with seats from a '64 Mooney. I hate to throw my old seats away, so I thought I'd offer them for free if anyone wants them. They are in very good condition (both the frames and seats) but the foam is worn out so they are fairly uncomfortable. But if you want the frames you can get new foam and covers. If no one wants them, I'll toss them out. But...I will not ship them. You'd have to pick them up at 9G2 which is 10 miles south of Flint, MI. Contact me if you want them: s10sakota@yahoo.com
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