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  1. Thanks everyone. Turns out my shop got it sorted out. It was a matter of calibration settings that Garmin had to supply. Test flight today a complete success. Love the new 275 units!
  2. Thanks for the input. We wish we had the KFC150 also. We’ve tried it both with and without the GPSS function turned on in the 275 and it doesn’t seem to respond appropriately either way. Still goes into a steep turn that requires dis-engaging the AP. I am under the impression that our installer has done this exact install on other Mooneys with the KAP150, but he’s stumped too.
  3. We’ve just had 2 Garmin 275’s installed in our M20J 201, in the AI and HSI positions. Existing avionics at the time of the install were: KAP150, GTN650 and GTX345. Since the install, the 275’s seem to perform as expected, providing nav guidance, including glide slope and all other 275 functions, including the auto-slew. However, whenever the KAP150 is engaged, and put into heading mode, it will briefly respond to the HDG bug correctly (i.e HDG bug is moved to the left and a left turn is initiated), but it quickly assumes a much greater than standard rate turn (in excess of 30 degrees) and continues past the assigned HDG bug bearing without hesitation. It also begins a rapidly increasing descent in the turn, ignoring the altitude hold function, leading to a descending spiral. Turning the HDG bug back to counteract the turn, does not seem to correct the problem once it has been initiated. To say the least, this can be a startling development, that would be catastrophic in IMC. I was wondering if anybody has experienced anything like this after 275 install. Any suggestions would be welcome, as the plane has been essentially grounded for weeks and weeks as our installer tries to troubleshoot the problem.
  4. Ours is a 1985 with height adjustment. Will the 1977 seats fit?
  5. Looking to buy pilot seat frame for M20J.
  6. So, we decided to have our cracked spinner repaired by AeroSupport. They strip the spinner before repair and it will return to us as bare aluminum. Spinner was originally white and we will return it to it’s former color. Does anybody know where I might go to get it painted and what paint is best for spinners We are located in the San Francisco area. A
  7. RH Galyen, Thanks. I did send them a picture of the crack, but haven’t heard back. I’ll try again. Al
  8. Guillaume, That is awesome. Thanks. Exactly what happened to our spinner.
  9. Thank you everybody for responding. Status update: Loewen’s doesn’t have the part. I sent pictures of the cracked spinner to AeroSupport, inquiring about whether it’s repairable, but they haven’t gotten back to me. We found a spinner from a 1977 M20J 201 (our’s is a 1985), which fits perfectly except the holes along the U-shaped prop blade cutouts do not line up. So, I guess we’re still looking for the perfect replacement. The prop is the standard McCauley for that year (#82D34Cbl4/PODHB-16E or -16EP*). If anybody has a potential replacement and has pix, I can tell by sight whether those cutout holes would line up or not. KS Mooniac - I would think we’d be happy to sell our cracked spinner. Alan Fox - I’m not certain what fair price is for these, but any reasonable price would be fine.
  10. Hi everybody, I am getting somewhat desperate: Our M20J 201 spinner has developed a fatal crack (fatal for the spinner, not me). Anyway, I am having a great deal of difficulty locating a replacement spinner at a reasonable price. Does anybody have any suggestions? Al
  11. Nope. Replaced a failed Bendix, which failed at worst possible time (plane at small airfield, without MX or FBO). Now has a new Sky-Tec. Works fine.
  12. Thanks everyone. Sorry about the dramatic title. We got it covered. JD from Western Oregon Flying Services just happened to have the correct Sky-Tec starter and flew down from Rosenberg to Cottage Grove and installed it today (Saturday). Absolutely incredible customer service!
  13. Advanced didn’t have the part, plus they’re 2 hrs away by car. Western Oregon Flying Services, in Roseberg, not only has the part, but they’re will to fly down to Cottage Grove and do the install! Super nice!
  14. Not yet. Still looking. My partner is not mechanically inclined and she’s up there on business, so not much leisure time.
  15. Does anybody know of an A&P in the Eugene, Ore area that can replace our M20J starter motor? My partner is stranded at Cottage Grove (61S) unable to get the plane back to SQL.
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