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Robert c

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  1. I won the one on ebay ( broke gear handle) but it never to his price so i lost out. I see it is back on try again. Lol
  2. Looks like i am back to looking for a mooney she wont come down on there price. Eneyone know of a mooney sitting in a hanger waiting for someone like me to take it home????
  3. Thanks i contacted mooney and got a m20a wing repair papper that thay use to repair wings in the factory. Thay where happy to help but woodent give up wing prints to build a new wing. Cant say that i didnt try.lol
  4. I dont think so the 1959 m20a is the same frame just upgraded to a aluminum tail and wing
  5. I am in west Michigan. I have called Texas airsalvige and thay have a wing that thay can sell with miner skin damage on the top by the tank door
  6. I was thinking that i wood put m20A alumanum wings on it
  7. Thanks For all the inspiration. The mooney has all the logbooks from new
  8. Thay say that it is all there. Thay cut the wings off because the wife woodent stop flying it after thay found bad spots in the spars under the body of the plane
  9. Thanks for all the insite i have built two pitts wings and a skybolt wing plus i restored a 1946 cessna 140 just love bringing back the old planes always wanted a mooney. No money but i do have time to play in the garage. Spending a little at a time is easier then all at once. The 140 is mine the rest have been sold
  10. Thank you for all your help
  11. Can i put aluminum wing on it if thay are a shortbody wing?
  12. If will nees new wings thin that i found some aluminum wing for sale in good shape. Just dont know what to offer the owner thay think that $10,000.is what it is worth trying to tell tham that its not
  13. Converted tail
  14. Hi i am new to your forum. I am looking at getting a 1957 m20 that is all disassembled into pices the wood wings where cut just outside of the landing gear. All the electronics are pry 1960 ish with ifr and need to be replased. What is the value of this plane. I am looking for a good project to restore in my hanger. Pleae comment on what you think. Thank you Robert chubb
  15. I do have pics if that will help
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