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Everything posted by OHAEDO

  1. Don't mean it that way - it's just that it did NOT show on the stops. Crazy, I know. Just sheared at the top. The lowly piston comment was out of frustration, and I apologize, but people are mean and rude into semantics and go off topic. Please accept my apologies, said in anger over my angst and folks with ZERO knowledge trying to look intelligent (they're not).
  2. Actually I think we can all learn from that, so I embrace my weakness and happy to share. Perhaps you can come up later and share some empathy. If there is some in there.
  3. I’ve posted my email and phone if someone needs help. Not responding to commentary from folks trying to prove a point. Haedo OFFLINE. If Mike Elliott wants me to come over and share turbo fan safety in piston world I’m happy to. safety número uno. fly safe boys and girls and tail winds.
  4. OK, I have answered and endeavored to add to you gents and ladies. omarhaedo@mac.com 3059340123 If I can be of value to this wondrous community. Signing off and wishing you all the best
  5. Perfectly rational and sensible thots my friend. As I have stated repeatedly - personal decision. I have to sleep well, and not fighting evil is one of them I wouldn't be able to sleep with. I exhorted, helped, was friendly, to no avail. Also, the dollars, while significant and hurtful, are not material, so that plays into it too. I won't let evil doers run amok with me. But that's just me. Prefer to leave $250k on the table.
  6. I think I might be confusing you. I apologize. AEROLaw at all times felt we could breach the GROSS negligence threshold. So that fact + my rule of life to fight evil whether is $.10 cents of $xxxx applies. As stated, that part is personal. But I am flying a Turbo fan, so there's the whole proof and pudding thing. LOL. $235k was repairs $50-$60k on loss of use was mechanical (e.g. receipts, mortgage etc...) $213k was expert witness. On the loss of value to an airplane with <20 hours on it. There were many many many more costs I incurred which did not claim. I was simply trying to get to zero. Hopefully I've explained the facts a little better for you. My ONLY aim here is to help the Mooney Community, not trying to win petty arguments of lean of peak or rich, I've got ZERO interest in that.
  7. I need to spend time on this like one needs a Lobotomy but I’ll drill into that angle and see
  8. For the benefit of the community: - Was offered $235k by their insurance. I said no because of loss of value ($213k) + loss of use ($60k) + the pain of going thru this and them not being helpful or amicable or ethical. That’s me - I fight. Win or lose. - There is a video and it’s blatant they’re at fault. Kevin Kammer told me - there’s no way one sees that damage during pre-flight (eg it’s sheared from the top) - Gross negligence in FL means they willfully intended to cause harm. So they hide in legal verbiage to avoid liability. So the line man can run the fuel truck into your airplane and ????. Crazy. RECOs: 1. Check your lease agreement for negligence verbiage 2. If you can’t find an FBO w a negligence standard - I wouldn’t let them tow my Mooney 3. I’m angry - sad and embarrassed. I embrace my weakness and am ultimately happy I had my day in court against these evil folk. Win or lose that’s a win. tail winds!
  9. Of course they just show the tow on the ramp, not over torquing her out of the hangar
  10. Some of you might remember me. Back in 2019 Signature over torqued the front gear of my brand new Acclaim Ultra and refused to pay. 5 years later, I face them in court tomorrow. They are risibly stating using a huge boom was not an issue and that it’s my fault. I haven’t cowered. I covet your prayers. These guys are nasty. On better news, I now fly a Honda Jet. This is more accountability than anything else. Cheers, tail winds, and Gods overarching presence to you and yours.
  11. It’s not - best use for me was fiddling w Garmin so battery doesn’t go kaput - those downloads not for starting (eg as a CPU)
  12. Merry Christmas to all! I have an “as new” battery charger - if you’re looking for one let me know as I don’t need it. Let’s do 50% off new price and you pay USPS. Best wishes to all in this wonderful community
  13. We fly up/down up/down all day. today was stormy so it was great training. Best to you and yours.
  14. Mike Elliott and I today in stormy Florida Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It’s a Ferrari logo - interiors are Ferrari - [emoji1750] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Anytime right now - send me a text 3059340123 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Saturday I am doing more CFI training as Im aiming for the top of the curve - happy to stop at Boca. We will be up/down all day so it's grueling.
  18. Thanks my friend! I can tell you the pound per foot on the TBM is A LOT more than a Mooney. So in the Mooney it was basically power off over the numbers timing up with air speed brakes for me and easy does it. On the TBM is power on all the way to wheels touching - as in 10% - so can't be shy about it. But similar concept keep trimming keep trimming until touching the ground. Hope that helps.
  19. Glad to hear that - powerful little thing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Hi Jeff - I’ll answer high level I need it for work - 95% use will be to and from Caribbean - piston = NO BUENO. Work means depreciation and lease back to the entity It means I get home in a scant 3 hours and don’t miss anything which is priceless Daher next to me a full warranty thru 2023 Hope that helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It’s a 2018 910 (eg G1000nxi) - only 200 hours - still has new smell! All the best to you and yours!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Posted it.
  23. Many of you asked me to post - hopefully some of you know me and it doesn’t come across as brag - but wanted to share pics of my wonderful bird - she comports like a long body but doesn’t float down - it’s power on until wheel hit - same concept of more trim trim trim - she’s heavier and a dream come true Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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