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  1. OK just a couple photos ... one of her in her Before livery, and one After as well as the 2010 Mooney "Phantom" Caravan
  2. Hi. Jim Murphy here... Yes, N201XG was in my care for oh... 16 years ... 1999 until 2015. We had a great deal of fun, and nearly 1800 hours of it. I had the new Paint and Interior done about 2010; and we were poised to be in the Caravan in ... 2011 I think ... when due to weather and flooding, we cancelled the Caravan at the meeting in Madison. It actually brought a tear to my eye to see the old girl; you have no idea how much I enjoyed this aircraft. I'm pleased to see her in the hands of someone else excited to see her. I''m glad to see the updated Radios, that's a nice touch. I bough the plane with the standard IO-360-A3B6D that was installed following the burned pistons departing on the first Caravan. I had pistons topped at about 600 hours, and it was getting towards the 1800-1900 hour range when I sold it. Life had changed and I wasn't flying it 200 hours a year anymore and she deserved to be in the air. So cool to see it back at KPAE where I purchased it from Andy. Flew it home via Portland, Phoenix, Baton Rouge, Homstead FL to Nashua NH. Nice trip, learned a lot about each other, and in the end fell in love.
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