I will down and upload the data the next time I am at the airport. The probe from the JPI are only about 50h old so they should still be accurate, though the previous owner didn’t connect the RMP, MP, TIT and OAT for reasons I don’t understand . We are going to take care of that at the next 50h inspection. Currently I am using a digital Electronic International TIT. That said the TIT reads usually 20 degrees hotter than my hottest EGT. Does that make sense? I would of thought that TIT should be cooler than EGT because the probe ist further “down stream”...
Until now I mostly flew M20J an never experimented with lop climbs because it didn’t have a very good climb rate at 110kt. Now in my new K things are very different. At full power I consistently see 1000 ft\min at 110-120kt and with my 85% lop setting I saw about 700 ft/min at the same speed...