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  1. After months of being down waiting for parts, the replacement is complete. Very frustrating to have incorrectly sized rivets in the parts kit. The iron rivets also made it difficult. The elevators statically balanced perfectly within the new balance specs with the new weights. Flew the plane and no noticeable difference in flight controls.
  2. Yes replacing them as part of the AD. He was able to install the iron rivets using the longer ones from Don. He said it helped to heat them up and then install with a big rivet gun.
  3. Did you coat them with anything before installing? The ones in the kit are painted
  4. Sorry, old unbalance was 20-22in-lbs. New unbalance with the new weights is within the SB spec, 14-16.75inch-lbs
  5. Weight comparison. No filing was needed to bring the balance into limits per the SB even though new weight is much heavier.
  6. I dont think they recorded the weight but I can ask. Idk why they didnt give longer rivets in the parts kit.
  7. Anyone have issues with the rivets from the parts kit not being long enough? Shop said they just swell inside and then the head is even with the skin.
  8. The MSC still hasn't received them. Do you know if they sent them out yet?
  9. Has anyone recieved an update about the parts kit (M20-345-001) for this yet? I ordered back in Jan when this was released and have been down since.
  10. I'll send if I can get a picture of it off but it's not your typical o-ring. The OD is a lot wider than the shaft and the center of the ring is solid except a small hole for the shaft. It looks something like this
  11. 67F, I remove pins, slide forward lift off, then slide back to remove. Re-install in reverse order. Ive done it by myself a number of times but trickiest part is getting them back on the track and aligned. I have contorted my body in ways I never thought it could move to be able to see the tracks while aligning.
  12. Yes the stat o seal is pictured but I'm looking for the o ring shown on the shaft assembly with the spring.
  13. I tried, they have someone else answering phones and email who wasnt able to help me with that unfortunately.
  14. Screen looks great. Lasar has that seal in the kit but does not have this one.
  15. Does anyone know what the part number for the o-ring on the left side of the shaft in the picture below? It's some sort of specialty o-ring.
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