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Everything posted by Parker

  1. I found a Propeller Log belonging to C-GTOE with the documents of a Mooney M20E that I own. I will happily sent the Propeller Log back to the aircraft's current owner. Please contact me at parkerwhitlock@yahoo.com.
  2. Are you still looking for a pair of Bose X?
  3. Flight home would originate in Western Iowa (Sioux Center.)
  4. I am looking to find the CFIs in the Nashville, Tennessee area that are familiar with Vintage Mooneys. I am under contract to buy an "E" and will need a CFI with me in order to bring it back to Nashville. The insurance requirements in order for me to fly solo will need to be met as well. If anyone has any information it would be appreciated. Thank you, Parker
  5. Do you still have your M20 E for sale?
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