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    Georgetown, Texas
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  1. Looking for a serviceable Dukes Fuel Pump p/n 1499-00-21 for '69 M20C. I know overhauled ones are available and I might choose that route I just want to see what my options are. Thanks.
  2. I think my vacuum regulator has gone berserk. I’ve dialed it down but it keeps pegging at the top of the range. Any of you lucky enough to have gone glass have a regulator you can spare for my 1969 M20C? Thanks!
  3. Thank you so much for the tips guys! Calling Lasar Monday for the kit.
  4. You said it. Has something from almost every mfg, King, Narco, Collins. He took the 430 and HSI of course (I would have too).
  5. You can see how sparse my panel is. KX170B and KI208 are not even hooked up (no harness yet). And no I haven’t flown it yet. Close after one year of work but not there yet. I had no idea how much damage he did robbing all sorts of small and not so small things to put on his RV he’s building. I’m going to lose money on this but I have a thing for saving planes that are destined for the scrapper.
  6. Do you have a list of what you pulled?
  7. Gotta say your a brave man to tackle a job that big not to mention the down time losing use of your plane.
  8. I have a 69 C that I bought minus firewall forward and quite a bit more (or less). Let me look over your pics and see what might be of use. Thank you.
  9. I’m jealous I miss my 64 Super 21 and I never dreamed of a panel like that! By any chance are you looking to sell any of the things you pulled out?
  10. Thanks! Looks like they will even do partial kits. Great tip.
  11. Thank you! Hope it’s just dirty
  12. My fuel selector just started dripping but only out of the overflow port and only when on right tank. Any thoughts? Do I need to pull it?
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