Hi folks,
paul contacted me and told me about this thread. I was the pilot and it’s my 252. Happy to answer your questions:
- it’s a 252 with Monroy tanks, 105 gallons total
- I usually fly 2.300RPM, 30“, 10.3gph LOP. However up high the MAP was between 27“ and 29“, FF on average during cruise was 9.5gph or 62%
- I have a stock steam gauge sixpack with the original airspeed indicator with TAS calculator. TAS was roughly 175kt.
- average ground speed was 214kt, maximum 269kt but we took a picture showing 252kt :-)
- we used 73 gallons of fuel and still had 32 gallons in our tanks after landing, so more than 3 hours reserve (the king air crew we met was jealous)
- we didn’t use Gatorade bottles or travel John. Would be a mess in those life suits anyway. Actually we did not drink anything until 30 minutes before landing and it was no problem at all!
It was my longest flight so far and it was an experience, for sure. The whole trip was spectacular.
BTW, on our way west we wanted to stay in Ilulissat, Greenland for two nights. We didn’t even think about not stopping in Greenland as we wanted to see the glacier.
If you are interested, the whole story is on instagram: @flyawaywith_jz
Hope to see some of you somewhere in the world!