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Everything posted by CMartin

  1. Thanks guys, I think that is the one on Amazon? Does it show smaller airports? Thanks,
  2. DO any of you guys know where I can purchase a large VFR wall sectional or just a large U.S. wall map that shows most airports? I found the VFR wall sectional on Amazon but it only shows large airports and very little air space? Just cant find much out there. Thanks,
  3. My budget is in the range of 20-25k annually flying around 75 hours per year. Hanger here rents for 1500 year. Estimating annuals of 3-5k (high I hope), five dollar fuel @ 75 hours per year upwards of 6k and insurance for a low timer 3k?. Hopefully my numbers are high as most of them are Bonanza numbers assuming the Mooney comes in more efficient dropping the fuel and insurance. If I go with a Bo, looking at the A36 or F33 (as stated before, want a straight tail). This budget does not include financing of plane. Thanks for your response!
  4. Which models?
  5. I have checked with five different shops, some do both some do not service Mooney? Based on a 24 labor hour annual, and averaging the totals, there is less than a $100 difference in the base costs for the annuals. I was really surprised to see that for some reason! I would think the Bonanza would have been much higher with the extra cylinders and such?
  6. Which Beechcraft did you own? If I go with a Bonanza it will be the straight tail, I've read there are soon to be issues with reskins of the v-tail? So the biggest difference between the Mooney and the Beech in your opinion is up front cost? I figured the annuals would be a big difference too?
  7. That's awesome!!
  8. You guys have have been great and I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions! There is nothing better than getting information from the horses mouth instead of trying to read into articles on the internet. This is truly a priceless forum with a great group of people sharing their experiences! From everything I have read, BO's and Mooneys cant really be compared. But even so, the 200 hp vs the 285+, they run a close race. I do like the fact that the Mooney is so economical and fuel can be dropped to increase the useful load and still get great range. It's just me and my wife so the useful load isn't a must anyway. And just like any make and model there will be transition training to meet the needs of that specific aircraft. I am referring to one post that talks about coming in too fast and floating and floating.... I have been in the Bonanza's so know what the cabin is like but have never sat in a Mooney. Looks like I need to get in one and see how it feels. Thanks again for everyones help, I really appreciate it!!
  9. Thanks for the detailed response!! I'm 45 and and like to think I'm pretty fit so getting in wouldn't be a problem. Im also 6' 2" and around 220. I have flown Bo's but have never been in a Mooney so wonder how it feels with the lower seats? Guess I just need to get in one. THanks
  10. Great comparison!!!! YOu are so right on Sierra, the gear swing just looks all wrong!!! Really good response thanks for sharing!
  11. Beautiful! It just looks like it cuts though the air like a knife!!
  12. Non taken, just a serious buyer here trying to find some honest information you cant find anywhere else. You guys are all so helpful!
  13. Good comparison! Thanks
  14. Great response with good information!! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Good enough reason for me!
  16. A friend of mine owned a Sierra. To me it always seemed a little hard on landings. But it also appeard to have a great useful load. Why do you say eliminate it? just curious.
  17. I've just heard Bonanza insurance can reach over three grand a year. That is the big hold up on my decision, the useful load of a Bo. I wont always need it but it would be there. But is it worth paying the extra upfront costs etc..?? Tough decision for sure!! The mooney is just so appealing because its so fast with a great fuel burn. How do the two compare are far as handling qualities?? THanks for sharing!!
  18. If cost of ownership was an issue I wouldn't be considering a Bo. But at the same time, if I can get a plane that fits my mission why spend the extra money? The way I see it, is if I can get in the best aircraft that fits my mission and it is more efficient and just as fast, that gives me more cash to spend on upgrades, fuel for trips and other life events. That is why I'm looking to you guys for the "why" to buy a Mooney. I want to make sure it is everything I need. What's the characteristics of a Mooney? How does it handle? How forgiving is it? Etc... Thanks for your help!
  19. I'm just wonder if any of you guys have done a cost (fixed-not counting hanger) comparison on different aircraft? It seems for a complex, fast single, efficiency, Mooney is the way to go? But maybe not if you want to haul much? correct? In the next year I am considering stepping up to something to gain complex time and I have started looking at Mooney's, Beech Sierra's and even Bonanza's. I don't know much about the fixed costs of a Sierra but I'm finding with the Bo I can expect triple just in the insurance ($3,000 yr range). I've always leaned more towards the Mooney J models. Thoughts???? Before you ask, my typical mission will be my wife and I chasing kids (college games, visits, short vacations, sight seeing, etc..) with a 450nm trip with the occasional 800nm. And a lot of short airport restaurant trips. So....why a Mooney?? Reliable? Forgiving? Room? useful loads? etc.. Thanks everyone!
  20. Thanks everyone for participating, it's interesting to see what everyone experiences.
  21. Hi everyone, I have a couple questions for you 20j owners. Just looking for straight up answers of what you all have experienced the last several years on these two items. I know there are many variables that can change everything, just want to know what you guys have experienced. 1 What do you constantly see in your fuel burn? 2 What have you seen on average for your past several annuals? Thanks guys!
  22. I have not flown the Tiger nor the Mooney.
  23. That makes a lot of since!!!! Thanks for taking the time and sharing some examples!
  24. I have spent countless hours looking at different aircraft. I have even tried to convince myself to just purchase a well equipped 172, but I just keep coming back to the M20J 201 or 205's. Unless I am missing something, there really isn't a significant cost difference. I love the lines and the look of the Mooneys, the speed is perfect and the operating cost compared to other complex/retractable seems to be much lower. I keep looking at my missions and most of my flights will be in the 250nm range with a lot of 100nm trips. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but am I over doing my mission with a Mooney (250nm trips)? Would it be more practical to have a 180HP 172, Grumman Tiger, Cherokee 180 etc.. Looking to make my decision and start shopping.
  25. That says a lot right there!!! Thanks for sharing
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