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Everything posted by Filippo

  1. Thanks so total of 6 k including labor ?
  2. Does anyone know the lifetime of the amsafe system on a M20M Bravo .... controller / airbags.... Did anyone do the inspection where system needs to be overhauled? How much is the cost to overhaul the system? thanks in advance Filippo
  3. Good evening , i have a quick question on arrival procedures with step down fix. when loaded on the G-1000 I do see the Direct Vnav botton key to activate and a magenta arrow comes out on the PFD with recommended VVI, is there on the stec55-X version 7 a way to enable the ALT GS function, like happens on GPS approaches with LPV minima? thanks
  4. Inset when I'm lazy and don't wanna reach MFD, this is why will stay like that for a very long time, until something really breaks that will force me to change it
  5. The switch is not broken or cracked and when you rotate it feels normal, you can feel the normal clicking like on the mfd, it just not change the zoom level of the inset. If you push it the cursor comes on normally and you can move it around, it's just the rotating function that doesn't work properly.... I thought you could clean the contact but apparently seems like that is not a solution.... so bummer bummer bummer.... I guess I will not change the zoom level on the pad for a while.... until needed to replace the unit for some other major malfunction!!! bummer
  6. Good evening, i'm having a problem with the range knob on pfd. If you push it the arrow comes out and you can move it around, but if you try to rotate it to change the inset range, the knob rotates but no changing in zoom, is there a procedure to clean it or is one of those things that requires the change of the entire unit? thanks filippo
  7. Thanks, I guess I will wait for now, between buying the plane, upgrading her to WAAS and ADS-B out , I spent enough.... if I do another upgrade I guess I will face a divorce
  8. Hi Russ, actually for the pitch down problem there was an SB to apply after the WAAS upgrade M20-291A. Pretty much the 2 cables going to pitch servo needed to be inverted. If not the super nice dive was taking place.... filippo
  9. It's interesting, because with 14.02 software I do have nexrad weather on my G1000, that is actually not an issue. Even my airplane was coming with all unlock features, but the cards where not in my package when I bought the airplane, so I 'm kind of screwed. i was able to get a replacement card for the jeppesen chart, but for SVT will be a fight, nothing was on my log books regarding the unlock of all these feature, so it's difficult to prove it was done. mooney went belly up and with new ownership , all records have not been passed along. for jeppesen was easy to proof with previous owner subscription invoices , but for SVT, except from previous owner saying it was there I have no proof . updating the software to Waas, cancelled all previously unlocked features. I called also previous avionics shop which worked on my airplane, but after 7 years there is not a requirement to keep the files and my unlock happened in 2008.... so I'm fuc..ed
  10. Hopefully someone who did the upgrade before me will be able to answer to those few questions. I did complete the installation and it was kind of a nightmare because the previous owner didn't have the garmin unlock card so after the WAAS upgrade i was not able to use Jeppesen chart anymore. Anyway i bought the unlock card and now i will be able to get Jeppesen chart back . Is the syn vis optional and requires an additional unlock card, if so how much will cost? on my Jeppesen pilot pak they include the 4.9 terrain package which offers way more details, but my update GDU is 14.02 so not compatible with it.... any update? is there a 15.xx version? Last but not least I tried a couple approach, but G1000 and Stec went crazy and dropped me. if you are on an airway and they clear you to a direct point in the approach, when do you activate the approach and in which autopilot modes? thanks again Filippo
  11. Can you send it to me as well please? let me know and will PM you .... thanks Filippo
  12. I was at 1530-1570 ROP never even tried LOP as you can see from temperature and fuel flow. So I was actually running reacher than you do, but noted the 29" at cruise instead of 31. i have noticed that if I go around 1600 my cht on 1 and 6 cylinders are going over 400 at around 410 all the others are at 385 ish. thanks Filippo
  13. Hi Mike, i was running it at about 1530-1550 is it ok? I guess map slightly lower so around 29-30? thanks
  14. Thanks Dave, very clear explanation, engine has been teared down in 2010 for a gear up replacing both magnetos, cylinder 1 replaced, 2,3,4,5,6 honed , idler gear, vacuum pump gear, camshaft, all piston pins , tappers,rings,bearings hardware and perishable items, in 2014 for a sudden stop opened up again and installed new camshaft, exhaust guides, new bolts and repaired in accordance with factory overhaul manual. since then airplane has flown 100 hrs in 3 years. At last annual, done when I bought it in June compression where1/78 2/76 3/78 4/78 5/77 6/78. Oil used is Aeroshell 15W-50 and I had 9 quarters in when the indications where as per pictures. thanks filippo
  15. Thanks Lancecasper, I didn't lean up to 1600 because if I lean up to there my CHT on cylinder 1 and 6 goes at 420 and prefer not to exceed 400. Has you can see 1 and 6 run slightly hotter then the others 4 and I believe is pretty common considering where they are located. filippo
  16. So far great, it was great being able to bring it home . We did it very comfortably in 3 days with my wife flying no more than 4 hours on average per day. Enjoyed the scenery, the thunderstorms around the country , ranged from low to high density altitude airports.... just checking now with other mooney owners their experience on engine parameters to find out if an adjustment need to be made or not. Thanks again and happy to be a proud owner of a bravo, it was nice to be able to fly on average westbound at 178-189 TAS....
  17. Finally , I went to pick up my airplane and now she is in her new home in Carlsbad. I have few questions for the experts: 1. Takeoff power MP is generally set at 34.5 and RPM around 2570... I spoke with the mooney shop to check if MP needs to be adjusted and I was told 34.5 is ok and the engine self adjust itself to maintain the max power allowable based on pressure altitude and temperature and that 34.5 is ok.... any thoughts? 2. oil pressure is normal on the ground and increase properly with MP increase generally around 77-80 PSI, but it decrease during the climb and reaches 53-56 PSI at 14000 ft, i didn't climb above that altitude because I was concern about damaging the engine. No oil consumption ( added 1 QT after 10 hrs of flying) oil temp at altitude around 199-200 degrees. No oil leak anywhere and steady engine parameters. Is it normal for this type of engine? At altitude (14000 ft ) If I have MP above 34 , boost pump comes on, is it normal ? Photo attached of engine page at 14000 ft . Airplane run smooth no vibrations no abnormal indication ( except for low oil pressure) with no other indications of anomalies. any tips for me? thanks filippo
  18. I would love to have a 10000 ft runway here to do a couple of takeoff and landing on the same departure .....we need to get together, I will PM you.
  19. If you go past the runway , you go pick up flowers on all fields at the end of the runway
  20. You did emphasize it, you almost scared me . i got your point and you are completely right is not for everyone and I have never thought about going there without getting more practice on the plane. i have seen, in my career , places to land way worst then Fallbrook, but for sure Fallbrook doesn't leave you with many options, if you make a mistake. with that in mind and again my test pilot ghost inside me, I did a lot of testing in longer runway , landing with power in and speed brakes extended at 70 knots and the airplane land very smoothly and if you raise the flaps after touchdown increasing the weight on wheels you barely have to use brakes and you stop in about 1000 ft. I tried at different landing weights from 3200 going down. I have learned the technique mainly with the F-104 Starfighter where minimum power setting for landing was 93% at 190 KTS on final and full flaps, 220 KTS with flaps T/O and 240 KTS with no flaps. 1 knots below your approach speed, you were dead, 5 knots above it, you were dead, going out at the end of the runway. Power below 93% you were a rock falling from the sky with no lift generated. this is not to say I'm superman or the best pilot in the entire world, just someone that before doing anything study and test everything using performance chart, APG and so on. if you look at performance landing roll on the mooney at heavy weight is about 1500 ft... without considering, runway slope, wind, RCR and so on. Obviously you need to be on speed and touch down close to the runway threshold . Is it duable? Yes it is. is it smart, no is not, one problem and you maybe in trouble. I landed in fallbrook with : Cessna 152-172-182, Siae Marchetti SF-260, Piper arrow IV, Cessna T310Q, Bonanza A-36 , G-36 and V-35 B, again not easy or smart but very duable. As soon as I will come to San Diego I will land at Palomar and with time I will decide if is it safe enough for me or not... i did appreciate very much your concerns and for someone with so many hours on Mooney I take that as a very important warning.... will keep you posted... thanks Filippo
  21. Sure, so far I have been very pleased. They have been honest and helpful. On pre-buy they went well behond scope and spent way more hours they planned to to reasearch any potential problem... i will tell you when I will get there for delivery my final impression. goodnight tomorrow early takeoff... going to sleep
  22. Thanks I'm actually departing from N87, Air-mods did my pre-buy and annual and they are fixing few items were broken plus doing the WAAS upgrade and ADS-B out upgrade so I guess another couple of week before enjoying the long cross-country...
  23. I looked everywhere and finally I decided to park it on my already reserved hangar in fallbrook, leaving in Encinitas was not the best choice , but Palomar was completely unaffordable and at Montgomery I didn't find anything , Ramona too far away, so I guess will become an expert of short field takeoff and landing .... will really like to meet the mooney community in San Diego...
  24. Thanks, I did work hard...Will have to fly cross country from New York to San Diego, I guess a lot of opportunity for pictures...
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