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  1. I would be very grateful if someone helped me out with the slow speed Mooney settings for approach maneuvers, patterns, 3 degree slope descent etc. I have trouble keeping this devil at a 100 knots to practice holds, intercepts and glide slopes. Thanks Francesco
  2. The round knob was lost during the overhead panel upholstering. Mooney does not make any more. I am looking for an original, even though could replace with a Radio Shack item. Francesco Grasso text 410 302-2021 drgrasso@gbcrs.org
  3. How did u resolve the high fuel pump pressure?


    410 302-2021

    1. amillet


      It has always been in the green, but bordering the red. It has come down about a needles width after 150 hours use.

  4. Check specs at Proptach.com Contact Francesco at 410-302-2021 or DrGrasso@gbcrs.org
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