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Everything posted by Sfurr201

  1. I have a 77 J model with the fuel selector at your feet. I’m a shorter guy so I have the seat all the way forward, I don’t care how skinny you are your not reaching that valve. I have an extension as well but still like to slide back to get to it. I do have an iPad mounted on the yoke so that does make it more difficult for me. If you have the option to buy one with the selector where it should be I would recommend that. It’s not a total deal breaker because the Mooney is such an amazing airplane but what the heck were they thinking
  2. The man that calibrated the airspeed is a 22,000 hr pilot with American Airlines (no not a typo) he also flys most every bird in the sky including war birds and my company's Aerostar 600. I would never be able to own the planes I have without his knowledge and help. That being said we missed something when we picked up this bird. I will post pictures soon. She is beautiful and I couldn't be happier with how the controls feel. All controls seem to line up well. Now this particular plane is actually lighter than from the factory but has a forward CG (with two people up front it's close to forward limits) could that make that much of a difference as I know an aft CG is faster
  3. The rpm was a little low when we picked it up but I quickly built up on the ground roll, it seems to have gotten worse. I'm sure the gauges and little things like that need calibration. This is my 8th airplane through the same broker and he has agreed to eat some of the cost on this one. The airspeed indicator is accurate. I don't believe I need a certified mooney shop as much as an engine specialist. I just want to plane close to book speed I have to wild speculations. I typically could care less about true airspeed and 3 or 4 knots here but 20 or so knots I care about.
  4. Thank you for all the replies and suggestions. I will do my best to answer them all. I have not checked the timing yet, I am getting 30man pressure at take off but who knows if the gauge is correct. I do not have a FF but do have a JPI 700, #3 which is new runs a good bit cooler but everything seems good. I will probably have to get her out to the mooney service guys at foothills
  5. I recently bought a 77 J model that will not true out any better than 138kts. I didn't buy a mooney to do 138kts. I don't think it's rigging, the plane tracks and trims out great and everything seems to close up nicely, yes I put it on jacks and checked the gear. The engine has a little over 800hrs on it and all pistons are above 70. The prop is a hartzell schimitar with 250hrs on it. During a static run we could barely reach 2400rpm. We adjusted the prop to reach 2700 but made no difference in cruise. We cleaned gapped and rotated the spark plugs, also had a small intake manifold leak fixed but all in all everything looks really nice. The engine starts well and runs smooth. Can anyone help account for the loss of rpm and nearly 25kts slower cruise speed? Could it possibly be a problem with the prop which I doubt? I am outside of Charlotte NC can anyone recommend a good engine shop near by?
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