I'm a relatively low-time pilot who stopped flying about 20 years ago because I got busy with family and career and I also got the "honey, if you love me, you'll stop flying" speech. I stupidly caved. Now, the conversation has turned into "just get a lot of life insurance so I can miss you in comfort". Anyways, I learned in a Cessna 152 and the majority of my time after training was in a 172. I have flown the occasional Archer and Cherokee. I have no complex endorsement. I am about to go down to my local flight school and get current again...but I need some advice.
First, I'll mostly be flying alone or with a buddy. Second, I have determined that my mission is essentially flying between Las Vegas and Los Angeles & Phoenix. Third, I do not want to look down at Interstate 15 while in a Cessna and watch the traffic go faster than me in a headwind. I have always wanted a Mooney and waiver back and forth between a C, an F, and a J. At this point, an M20C might make the most sense from a financial standpoint, since I can build time in something that's inexpensive, but still has some get-up-and-go. And, in a year or so, if I want, I can trade up to a J. A Turbo is out, as it just adds more in-flight complexity than I want right now.
So...my questions are as follows: Should I go look for a nice M20C and resume flight training in my own plane? I would build time, get my flight review, and earn a complex endorsement all in one. Or, should I just go to the flight school and train in a C172 so I can concentrate on just getting my shit together and getting my review in something relatively familiar? Or, should I ask to train in an Arrow or other low-wing to get my wings back and then transition into a complex after building time? I would be grateful for any suggestions! Thanks in advance.