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  1. Thanks Tom! When you nail down some dates let me know. I hope we can meet up with someone locally before then, but either way would love to see your E and chat about Mooneys. Thanks again! Andrew
  2. I've managed to find one partner that originally wanted a Piper until I explained why Mooneys are so much better! But we are still looking for at least one more in the PSM/DAW/SFM area. If you're interested in joining us or have a Mooney and would like a couple partners, please get in touch! Thanks Andrew
  3. Hi all, I hope this isn't considered hijacking a thread since flyhigh603 did manage to get a ride. I'm hoping to do the same in the same area so thought I'd just borrow this thread instead of making a new one. I've been looking for some partners in a F-model for a while and managed to find one taker so far. Since we have had trouble finding more we are opening up to the idea of a C that we can afford with just the pair of us. That said, we would both love to see and chat with anyone willing with any vintage Mooney. A flight would be great (I've only ever sat in one many years ago) but not totally necessary. But we would be more than willing to pay our share of expenses and lunch. Hell, we will buy you lunch flight or no flight! Please PM me if you live local (50-100mi of PSM) and would be willing to show off your Mooney and give a couple Mooney newbies some pointers. Thanks! Andrew
  4. I did some searching around a while ago (and just checked again) and it looks like the AOPA partnership finder was discontinued. I have searched their flying club finder a number of times but haven't been able to find any clubs with a Mooney. I also check trade-a-plane and barnstormers for people selling shares of their aircraft. Are there any other resources I could be checking? Thanks!
  5. Hello! I've come to the realization that the Mooney is exactly what I need in a family aircraft so my searches have lead me here. I'm interested in an F model, but would be open to just about any Mooney for the right price. I live closest to PSM (Portsmouth, NH) but would be willing join or start a partnership within a 45min drive of PSM. My budget budget for a share would be in the $20-30k range. To form a new partnership I would like 4-5 partners with a $60-80k total cost for the aircraft. I hold a multi ATP, CFII, and have around 5000hrs and currently fly professionally about 600 hrs/yr. While I would love a Pilatus for my personal family hauler, it's a bit out of my price range! If you are looking for a partnership or want to get one started in the area, please get in touch! Andrew
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