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Glen Quagmire

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  1. I had thought about a viking a while back before I realized how much I felt I'd want a TC aircraft. I didn't realize that Bellanca made a TC version. Regardless of which aircraft I ultimately go with, I will keep it hangared. The hail out here can be vicious. How much maintenance does the fabric wing add, and does it need a significantly greater amount of TLC? I also didn't realize that Piper made a TN version of the Comanche. I knew they had the 400...but I couldn't imagine trying to feed (or maintain) an IO-720! I'm still trying to kind of get the financial picture down. I'm kind of thinking in my head that 120 would be a cap. There's a V35TC listed now for 105 that just had a top not that long ago, and a 530 in the panel that would take care of me well for a while.
  2. Hello all! This is my first post on this forum. I have been wanting to get an airplane for quite a while, but I'm now starting to consider it more seriously. I'm trying to read up on as many aspects of aircraft ownership as I can. I *think* I've got it narrowed down to between two airplanes: The Beech V35TC, and the Mooney 252. (I know this is a Mooney forum, please don't hate me yet-I'm posting this on the Beech site too). Ultimately, I think I would be happiest with a turbo'd Beech 36, but it seems that most of them are a bit too spendy for me at the moment. Here's my thoughts: I live on the front range of the rockies, south of Denver. MOST of my flying will be to the east, for long distances-probably most frequently to western NC. BUT, I would like the ability to go westbound without having too much in the way of altitude issues, hence wanting a turbocharged model. It would also be nice to be able to get up high and take advantage of the winds when headed east. I have flown non-turbocharged Mooneys in the past-I got my instrument rating and later instructed in M20Js. I have several hundred hours in them, and I feel that I "know" them well enough. I am aware that they are more cramped inside, especially for the rear-seaters. My kids, however, are currently young, and small. Even as they age, I don't see them getting all that tall due to their genetics. I found a sample weight and balance for a 252 after a google search turned up a flying club with one; I've run the numbers every which way (from just me to all of us, with both full tanks and down to reserves) and I stay completely within the CG limits at all times. And at least for now while the kids are little, I can load the full 52GAL, all of us, and 75 pounds worth of bags and remain under MGTOW. I've been unable to find a POH/AFM with the performance data to look at. On the other hand, I have literally ZERO experience with Beech products, aside from seeing them on the ramp. I've never been in one, let alone flown one. I'm still trying to find V35TC data (W&B and/or performance) to look at. I am looking for one of y'all to hopefully shed a little light on the Mooney ownership experience. Are there any issues that I should be aware of? How hard is it for find a competent mechanic for one? How is insurance for them? (I am an ATP with 11,000+ hours and I fly for a living, but my recent GA experience is limited to getting a tailwheel endorsement in a Citabria). I know that the Beech will be more expensive to operate, but that would be offset at least a bit by the fact that I could bring the dog with me on trips and not have to kennel him at $50+/night-I couldn't fit him in the 252 with us and bags. Any insights into the buying process in general are appreciated. Even if it turns out that I can't get a "travel" airplane at the moment, I still plan to at least get something fun that I can fly locally on the weekends with my kids, for the hamburger runs, drilling holes in the sky, etc. I know that's vague, but really, all information is appreciated.
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