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Everything posted by Gorilla

  1. I will have to agree with Raptor. I have purchased a second set of QT Halos due to my satisfaction with the first set. They are light, comfortable, and the passive noise cancellation is very good.
  2. The Mooney Caravan leadership made a great call to hold the Caravan due to low ceilings and visibility on Saturday. They have established a set of go/no go weather minimums and were never presented with a weather window that met this criteria. Sunday early afternoon the weather improved greatly and all 62 Mooneys were lead safely to the North 40. Hats off to the Mooney Caravan Flight Ops and safety team.
  3. Um... 3 to lead.... 4 appears to have an extra wing..... and his wheels are on top of it....... and from the amount of smoke I suspect he's on fire......
  4. Looking to upgrade to a nice J or K. Let me know if you have something. wayne@heargearok.com

  5. I'll be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
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