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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Would you mind sharing the price?
  2. Thank you for your replies. I am located in Michigan, the airport is Mettetal 1D2 with a field elevation of 696 ft.. Personally, I want to be by the time I reach the end of the runway 50 ft. high + 30% of the distance mentioned in the POH. The POH I found on the internet seems to be from 1966. If I interpolate the number for a really hot day at sea level and at max. gross (100°F, 1,760ft.) and at 2,500 ft. (90°F, 2,305 ft.), the take off distance over a 50ft. obstacle, at our airfield, would be around 1,950 ft. Even if I add 30%, I would only slightly cut into my personal safety margin. Given the fact, that this is a worst case calculation, as it is usually just my wife and me + camping gear in the plane and as it is very rare that it gets this hot in Michigan, I would think that we could safely operate a M20C out of this airport. This is, of course, unless the numbers in the POH are as much off as those for our O-300 powered 172... Edit: Interestingly, Mooney states the exact same number on the 200 hp M20E POH.
  3. I want to upgrade from my older 172 to something faster and really like the looks (and prices) of the Mooney M20C. Looking at a its POH, the take of performance at higher loads and / or higher density altitudes however already starts to cut into the safety margin, which I want to have at our only 2,300 ft. long airport. I am therefore wondering whether the numbers regarding the take off performance in the POH are correct or if they are rather optimistic, so that an additional safety factor has to be added? Oliver
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