Hi, and thank you for all of the well wishes, analysis / commentary. I am the owner / pilot sitting here in my hospital bed at 11:30 pm on a Friday night (highly medicated) thanking my lucky stars and the fact that I was in my Mooney. The steel cage did its job ( and I was able to see and kiss my 18 mo daughter today). I will share whatver I recall over time from this experience. First thing that was done to the plane when I bought it two years ago was the addition of shoulder harnesses. Did not leave the ground with me in it until that was done. Without getting into all of the details now I will cover the basics (again, I'm on strong pain meds and in a lot of pain / discomfort at the moment dictating to an iPad ). My main / obvious injuries are as stated by someone else in the thread, fractured l1,l2, pretty nasty cut on left eyelid and black eye / bruising of left eye. Bruised ribs, sprained right hand, cuts, scrapes and bruises on both arms, also wearing neck-brace full time as prescribed for soft tissue and ligament trauma in neck area. No injury to lower legs but bruising on thighs. Again this steel cage of the Mooney and the shoulder harness saved my life. As for the initial reports, I did not exit the plane on my own. Someone helped me out of the plane. My last memory before impact was " I'm coming in a bit steep .. It's gonna hurt...." I ended up putting it down in a pretty clear area with some small brush. I was told that the initial indication of touchdown and where the plane came to rest was about 250 feet apart. What I can tell you is that this was a post annual test flight / flight home to my home base. After a normal preflight and extensive run up multiple times, I decided I would depart 28 and then head home. The engine sounded great and ran strong on rollout through several hundred feet. I typically pull the gear soon after while I am still within a speed that allows me to lift it without excessive force. Once gear was up, and climb established, I pulled flaps, leveled wings got to about 350 agl and the engine went silent with no sputter or warning. At that moment I first pumped the throttle then verified fuel was on and electric pump was on with mixture full rich. After that I picked the grassy area north of the runway as my target, I initiated a very shallow right turn knowing it was down wind but feeling it was my best and only option at that moment. It was the only place I felt I would not hit power lines, cars on a busy road or trees. I held that shallow turn all the way down to my target and leveled the wings at the very end. At that point I was headed downwind and was very low. I pulled back to slow down and flare but headed down wind (gusting 19), I was out of time and altitude so I don't think the flare helped much.... From what I remember it was a pretty flat hit with slight nose down ( reminded me of the visual perspective of being on final aiming for the numbers but never having the opportunity to pull up and transition to a rollout and without flaps and gear for drag) by the time I pulled back and held back pressure I was on the ground.
I am falling asleep as I write this and will try to add to the conversation in the near future. Have a good night. And let me know if you have any questions.