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Posts posted by Houman

  1. I had good experience with kism jet Center, they have a 5 day stay at 0$ if you top off and fuel is cheapest there. Amazing thing was that I stayed for 3 days, came to settle my bill and told them that I will be coming back in 2 days after a tour of the keys, the lady at the counter told me then not to settle my bill yet, since if I do, upon my return, I would have to pay the other 2 days of overnight charges. This way they count it as one stay and I get the other 2 nights for free... That was very nice of her...

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, Marauder said:

    Was there anything in the documentation that talked about the different network systems?

    Not sure, I'm down in Florida now and will be back home in a week, will let you know when I get there and look at the instructions.

    But as I said in the Pirep, the instructions are badly written, many typos and nonsensical phrases. English is not my 1st language and I still can do better than what they did in the instructions that came with the device... 



  3. 10 hours ago, Marauder said:

    I'm banking on Chinese ingenuity. Houman was able to get his to work in Canada which shouldn't support 900/1800 MHz either. If it works, I got a good deal. If it doesn't, one of my friends in the blue countries will be getting a Christmas present from me or I will take Amazon up on their return policy ;)

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Well I was under the impression that the device I bought would support most GSM Network and took a chance on it. The only issue I had with it was that I had activate the SIM card before putting it in, I did so by calling the voice/txt number assigned to the SIM card, once that done, put it in the device, reset the password as described in the manual and voila, worked like a charm... It's nice to be able to control each of the 3 sockets individually, text message is easy to configure and understand the syntax of the message you need to send to it...

    Let me know if you have trouble with it...

  4. Hi, just as a service to others, I know there is a vendor on this forum that sells a switch box, although I have been told that he has an excellent product, I found something much cheaper and work very well. I was looking to buy a switch box after I installed my engine heater, but the price was a bit against my CB membership and the vendor was unsure if it would work in Canada GSM network so I went looking for an alternative.

    After some research, I found on Amazon the Andoer Wireless power socket control unit. I have to say that at 45$, I didn’t have much to lose to try it, instead of the much more expensive alternative. I got it couple of weeks ago and it took me about 15 minutes to make it work. Once I figured out how to activate the sim card outside of the device by calling the number to activate it, the device worked perfectly after I put it in and follow the instructions.

    The unit accepts commands by text or voice calls and dialing numbers, I find the text option superbe, as I can text the device to tell it which of the 3 sockets I want to turn on or off and it responds back with a confirmation. The only down side is that it is evident that the instructions where written by a non-native english speaking person, but still easy to understand and configure.


    Again, nothing against the more complete and sophisticated alternative here, but this meets my needs and permits me to proudly retain my membership of the cheap bastards club !!!

    As for the service, I got a Petro Canada Mobility sim card for 12$ and with a 6 months/25 prepaid service, I can renew another 6 months again for 25$ without losing the money left on my original 25$.

    • Like 4
  5. Planning to go to NY early January for a weekend with couple of friends, one of them has been in Canada most of her life, but was born in Paris and only has a EU passport, wondering if the EAPIS I send will be any different beside the origin of passport provider for that person. She tells me that when she drives to US border, they are always taken aside and go trough a more rigourus check, wondering how that will be when going trough Burlington KBTV CBP .

    I'm very familiar with the EAPIS and all the required process as I have flown from Canada to US several times, but only with people having Canadian passports.

    Anyone from EU on this forum flying to US ?

  6. Hi Ned, long time no talk, it's quite a coincidence, I'm going to Orlando next Saturday for 10 days with the Mooney to spend Christmas with family there and I have the same timeshare at Hilton on International drive, great place, amazing pools.

    Departing my home airport CSK3, i was thinking on doing my 1st stop at KRIC Richmond for customs and gas at the same time and direct to KORL Orlando Executive, wondering if Kissimmee would be better, specially since my parents will come pick us up there so no real need for a rental. I'm also thinking of fly to Fort Lauderdale and fly over to the keys if weather permits.

    should be fun....

  7. 1 hour ago, Kris_Adams said:

    Unless I'm missing something this seems pointless.  My son has a green laser that claims it will go 8 miles.  After playing with it I dont doubt it.  I don't think the FAA is going to be able to figure out who it is.  Who knows?   I guess it can't hurt.


    Not sure for the FAA, but I had this happen to me several months ago, AC told me to fly over the position and tell them when I was there, I was doing night recurring landings and the laser pissed me off, so I tried to help AC which was coordinating it with local police to try to arrest whom ever doing it. Not sure if they got them...

  8. 1 hour ago, Yooper Rocketman said:

    Just s quick note. I made it in time and his eyes lit pretty good when he saw me. Not sure if this will end in a good way but the reception was well worth the work to get here.

    Thanks for all the kind comments and support!


    Glad that you made it in time, family is so more important than piece of metal that can be fixed.

    When possible, please let us know what it ends up to be, as a Rocket owner, I would be really interested.


  9. 1 hour ago, Tommy said:

    Just make sure you put it back properly. ie the seat is well and truly engaged to the rails. It may appears to be when its not'! The seat then can slip out during climb out. The instinct of your human passenger is to grab the yoke and yank it back when you are low on altitude and speed!

    A recent sky diving plane crashed on take off in Queensland Australia was attributed to an unsecured pilot seat!

    I have removed and reinstalled my front seats several times this year for interior redo and AOA install. One may to test to see if the seat is right back correctly on the rails is to seat in each and give it hard push backward and grab the seat and push forward also try different positions on the rail, if you find hard to move the seat, then it is not correctly back on the rails, always test this before take off to avoid the situation described here...

  10. 1 hour ago, ryoder said:

    This type of thing makes me sick.  I hate insurance fraud.  A guy geared up his twin at my airport and from what I heard it might have been for the insurance money.

    I agree, and further more, what guarntees that someone might not get hurt doing this... Never have I done a gear up landing, but I guess it is not a 100% guarantee that everything goes according to plan, there must be a better way than doing this.


  11. Well in my case, We used the Epoxy but also Aircraft Spruce 3M Aluminium tape rated to 300 F for the heat pads to secure it in place.

     I have flown about 10h since the install and all semms good and stay in place without any sign of burn or anything. 

    My mecanic reassured me that this Aluminium tape is well suited for those spots because of it's heat rating.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, aviatoreb said:

    I used to want a wireless headset.  I figured wires are just annoying.  But I have come to think that they are only annoying when climbing into the cockpit.  I have also come to the realization that yet more chargers and batteries to keep charged and babysit the charge status are even more annoying.  Until they come out with ten thousand hour batteries - I will just stick with wires - the lesser of two evils.



    Wow, powers your phone and quenches your thirst...

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