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    M20K 252

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  1. I spent the whole day getting the wasp's artwork out of the vents. Both sides were blocked very solid and no matter how many times I ran a wire through, I could not clear them. I had to remove all the inspection plates where the tube runs on the left side and detached it from a short rubber hose just before it enters the tank. Once the tube was out of the wing, it was easy to clean of course. The right was more tricky since there are not as many inspection holes. With an air hose attached to one side, and the tube once again detached from the tank I could blow the baby wasp out. I made plugs with red ribbons tied to them. I know it's possible to forget to remove them but I will risk it. I will still add the blow through procedure to my preflight inspection. Shadrach asks if I have enemies. I know I have, I'm a cropsprayer... all insects must hate me.
  2. That was Thankyou !
  3. Thakyou all, you are very helpfull, I have posted a reply but our signal strength is different shades of zero. I will try again later. Danie.
  4. Goodday, I have a 252 with longrange tanks. ( Two each side ) Yesterday as I reached 6000' descending from FL 105 I noticed that the tanks on both wings were sucked in. It remained like that after landing and was only relieved once I open the main's caps. It was rarther alarming! How does the breather system connect and why did it affect both sides ? Where are the inlets? Thankyou, Danie.
  5. A bit off the topic, I suppose it is sound practice to study the POH thoroughly. Some time ago I took off from Tempe ( South Africa ) with the pitotcover on and discovered the gear would not retract. I know I should have checked " airspeed alive" on the roll, but cropsprayers seldom does. Sometimes these things happen to sharpen us again, two lessons in one.
  6. Goodday gentlemen (and ladies) This is my first post on this forum. I live in South Africa and I think if I am not the only one, then I am one of few in this country who are fortunate to own a 252. I have however had more than my share of bad experience with bad maintenance- I wonder if one can use these two words together in one sentence. Recently I discovered that the mags that was inspected a year and a half ago, was not. That lead to all sorts of problems and extra costs as you can imagine. The oil temp went past its normal indication and I suspected that the engine had a degree of detonation. I had the magneto repaired and it runs now but still shows a drop of 150 rpm at run-up test whilst the other drops only 50 prm. The aircraft does not perform the same anymore, I use to see an indicated airspeed of 140-143 kts between level 75 and 95. Now it struggles to do 135. Powersettings and indications did not change. Is this possible ? I plan to have the cylinders pressure tested as soon as I can. Any advice would be welcome. I enjoy the forum and find it extremely informative. Regards, Danie.
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