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Day Two - 03/10



It was a crazy last couple of days, but I am finally catching back up, so I am so sorry for the delays on the blog! On day two I woke up bright and early at 0530 and was on the road to the airport at 0615 with a very hopeful takeoff of 0700. I have missed the sunrises in the midwest and it was nice to experience it again driving and up in the air. Wheels up retracted perfectly at 0715 and I was off to Claremore Oklahoma. My two hour journey had started as I was off to surprise my family (Mom, Nana, Aunt, and little Cousin)  at my little cousins dance recital. I was kinda worried about what the airport was going to be like after seeing the airport diagram that fore flight has posted on the taxi diagram. My dad and I were even joking and questioning if oklahoma runways were as rough as Oklahoma roadways, a question I soon figured out. For a small town on the map, Claremore has lots of oil money which I had completely spaced off. This lead to the complete surprise I faced when I landed and the whole East side of the airport were very nice hangers and a very full and bustling ramp! I wheeled onto the ramp like all mooniacs do (like I owned the place) and parked next to a single commander. I grabbed the car and headed off to watch my little cousin take first in her division and tenth overall. After lunch and more dancing I had the plane topped off, paid the bill, and started up. I taxied out behind an archer and waited for the trainer to take the runway and slowly climb out. I took the runway and jetted out direct to Wichita's Dwight D Eisenhower International Airport to pick up one of my friends that is going on this adventure with me. After picking him up we headed back to my home base airport and put the aircraft to sleep and hung out with my family and family friends the rest of the night!

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