Aircraft is a 1976 M20F with a Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF prop. Annual inspection has turned up two separate cracks in one of the two filler plates in our spinner (see attached pic). This is not the spinner "bowl", just one of the filler plates that attaches to the bowl, behind the prop blades.
As far as I know, the spinner is original equipment. Best as I can interpret the parts manual, this is the Hartzell 1904-3 spinner, with the associated filler plates being listed as P/N "A-2480".
I found a Hartzell maintenance manual online which suggests certain cracks can be stop drilled, though I think ours may be too severe. Anyone stop-drill or otherwise repair a filler plate and care to offer advice? Alternatively, is this a good candidate for fabrication as an owner-produced part, using the cracked plate as a template? Best as I can tell, the filler plate is a simple piece of sheet aluminum, cut to a specific shape, with a few nut plates riveted to it. Seems simple enough, though not sure what particular flavor of aluminum alloy is appropriate.
Last resort is to buy new, but I can only find reference to P/N "B-2480" in online sources. Does this supercede the "A-2480" filler plate?
Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.