I am a new Mooney Owner and am having an issue with my '78 M20J 201. While on takeoff and cruise my engine is randomly dropping 20-70 RPM. This is happening a couple times a minute to once every 15 minutes. In the cruise config I have abruptly dived and climbed and saw no fluctuation which make me believe its not the prop governor (which was rebuilt in and installed in November 2014 has about 80 hours on it). I have sumped the fuel and there is no water or debris in it. The RPM Drop happens with or without the boost pump on. On takeoff it will get your attention real fast. Before you can cycle mags or do any trouble shooting it corrects itself. It was at the mechanic yesterday 12/1/2015 and they looked it over and everything looks good. Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated. I have attached JPI data that show 6 seconds before and 6 seconds after an RPM Fluctuation. This data was take while in Cruise flight on a calm cool day. I have also attached a video of the RPM Drop.
Thanks for your help
Flt #342 RPM Anomolies.xlsx