Background. Owned a 1982 M20J and really enjoyed it. Was getting long in the tooth and needed to many avionics and other repairs. Traded in for a 2013 Cirrus SR20. Love the glass, chute, etc etc. But 145KTs and handling characteristics aren't working out so well. We have decided to try and sell the Cirrus and move to an Ovation. Our ideal plane is something with FIKI, NDH, etc. etc. etc. We know the value of a good PPI and inspection. All that being said. I'm looking for recommendations for shops and mechanics in the IN, IL, WI areas as well as NY, CT, NJ.
My thought is if I find something that looks good on my eyeball, flight and logs, to bring to a local mechanic who knows Mooneys. If that works then a shop for a thorough PPI.
Recommendations in the Midwest and Northeast would be helpful. Thank you!