I have been assembling key parts to complete my Brittain PC BSS (Basic Stabilization System) by adding B11 (Accu-Trak)
and B12 (Accu-Flite) on my 1966 M20E. I discovered that I have duplicated several key parts that are hard to locate. The BI 805
Control Valve is used for both the B11 & B12 system and is the heart of both systems. So I am offering several these key items for
sale here before I place them on ebay.
I. Servo Control Valve, Model BI 805 ( recondition unsed with copy of yellow tag) This is the item that is hardest to locate
(it will work both B11- tracks VOR's & GPS / B12 will track a DG heading) ...( plus $15 shipping)......................$795
II. Control Panel- for Accu- Trac II ( used- statement from avionic company approved for service)
This the second generation control panel ( plus $15 shipping)........................................................................$495
The BI805 and Control Panel are key items for the Accu-Trak and the BI805 is used in
both Accu-Flite & Accu Trak system.
Email : lsmith9233@comcast.net or call 630.880.3044