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Found 8 results

  1. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  2. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  3. Visit our websites: The Facebook pages has started a pilot guide of places to fly and experience more --- Like us / follow us. The places to fly are based on our actual flying experiences and expectations. More locations will be added shortly. https://www.facebook.com/myavbookcom-541027312755140/ More information about digitizing your aircraft logbooks and records can be obtained by visiting our website: www.myavbook.com Thank you.
  4. Pilots in the SW: Put on your spurs and saddle up! 4th Annual Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic M.C.A.S. Yuma 26-29 March 2015 MISSION OBJECTIVES PRIMARY: Basic formation skills for "Newbies" Currency/proficiency in basic formation skills for the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh. SECONDARY: Opportunity for advanced formation skill training 4-Ship proficiency TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF TRAINING Thursday, 26 MAR: Arrival day for advanced training. Arrive by 18:00.  Group dinner TBD  Flight Lead Training Seminar  Safety Work group meeting Friday, 27 MAR: Advanced, 4-ship Training and practice. Arrival day for Basic initial and recurrent training/Newbies  Group Dinner TBD  Basic Formation Ground School Saturday, 28 MAR: Demo rides for Newbies Training sorties for Basic Skills (Newbies and recurrent)-ALL DAY Lunch at Millionair FBO Group Social/Dinner Sunday, 29 MAR: Caravan Simulation Day  Group Briefing  Mass Formation departure  XC  Mass Arrival, Lake Havasu  Lunch  RTB ACCOMODIATIONS We will be staying at the Marriott Springhill Suites for a base rate of $89, either King or Double room. 1825 E. 18th St. Call the hotel at 928-783-7853 to make your reservations. Inform the agent of the "Mooney Caravan" rate. REGISTER FOR CLINIC  Fee is $50. Please bring cash (need operating capital for the operations) This covers: o Tee Shirt o Pack of line up cards o Lunch Friday and Saturday o Tip to ground crews o Incidentals o Social Hour o If bringing spouse/other please add $20 to cover Tee Shirt, Social Hour.  DEADLINE: Please register by 15 MAR with me. Need to know your Tee Shirt Size, arrival date (Thurs or Friday), Type aircraft, Formation Experience Level, if bringing additional attendees.  E-Mail me this information, chiefpilot@aviationdoc.net See you in sunny Yuma, Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian
  5. Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh XVII: An Invitation to Participants The Mooney Caravan organization is pleased to announce that planning and preparations are well underway for the 17th annual Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh on Sunday July 27, 2014. The Mooney Caravan is a formation mass-arrival to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each summer and first flew in 1998 as a means for fellow Mooney pilots to camp together in the North 40 (see history). This is absolutely the best and safest alternative to the Fisk arrival and is the only viable option if you want to camp beside your friends. This event grew over the years with a peak of 97 aircraft participating in 2000. In 2009, Caravan organizers made the decision to overhaul the organization and flight format in order to improve the safety and quality of the mass flight into Oshkosh. Our organization is dedicated to facilitating a safe and enjoyable mass arrival formation flight into EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each year, as well as developing opportunities throughout the year to get together and fly our fantastic airplanes. Our participants share a strong sense of camaraderie and the friendship’s borne via our common interests in aviation and Mooney aircraft span the continent and the entire year between Caravan flights. The Mooney Caravan is sponsored by Mooney International. Our organization has developed a great relationship with Mooney’s new management team, who will be participating in the Caravan flight and many of our events during EAA AirVenture. Check out Mooney’s new website www.mooney.com. Caravan 2014 Our twelve person volunteer team has been working very hard since last year’s very successful full formation 25-ship mission in preparation for this year’s flight. The 2014 Mooney Caravan is scheduled to leave Madison (KMSN) Sunday July 27 at 10:30 A.M. The Caravan 2014 flight will consist of 3-ship elements (per our LOA with the FAA). The flights will be separated slightly more than the inter-element spacing to absorb and correct for compression and expansion effects as the flight progresses from MSN to OSH. In order to participate in the Caravan flight, pilots will be required to have demonstrated formation flight proficiency preferably by prior formation clinic attendance (strongly recommended) and must attend the briefing at 8 A.M Sunday morning. Most pilots will arrive at Madison during the day on Saturday July 26. There will be opportunities to fly formation sorties for fun and practice during the day Saturday. Saturday evening festivities include the annual Mexican dinner, pilot's "roast" and "naming" ceremonies. The easiest way to demonstrate formation flight proficiency is to attend one of the many formation clinics across the nation organized by our team (see https://sites.google.com/site/mooneycaravan/training) as well as our very supportive colleagues in the Bonanzas to Oshkosh (B2OSH) and Cherokees to Oshkosh groups. With prior coordination, most B2OSH clinics are open to Mooney pilots and all who have participated in these clinics have been warmly welcomed and immediately made part of their community. The learning opportunities have been absolutely outstanding and the experience exceptional. The watershed realization for most participants with no prior formation experience is that it is so much easier being 50 feet away from another plane as compared to 500 or 1500 feet away in terms of station keeping. With basic exposure to the principles of station-keeping (no overlap, wingman never passes lead, establish and constantly reference a sightline on lead, utilize very small control inputs), the learning has been quick and in very short order, pilots were conducting 2-ship formation take-offs, executing a series of turns and returning to a formation landing after 30 – 40 minute sorties with relative ease – and a ton of fun! In one weekend, with a little classroom time and 3 - 4 sorties followed by thorough debriefs of every flight (SOP for formation flying!), pilots are comfortable and qualified to fly in simple formation manoeuvres (most of which are beyond the requirements for the Caravan flight!). At this time, many Caravan formation flight candidates have already attended a clinic. If not, we are offering two more clinics between now and late July as follows: NE clinic - May 31- June 1 Lancaster, PA TX clinic - June 21-23 San Marcos, TX There are also seven B2OSH regional clinics scheduled over the same time period (see http://www.b2osh.org). Please don't be deterred if you haven’t flown formation and can’t make it to a clinic but still want to fly the in Caravan this summer - contact us now! Someone may be able to fly with you to allow you to demonstrate proficiency as we have resources and pilots all over the country. Please visit our website https://sites.google.com/site/mooneycaravan/home to find out more and to register for the 2014 Mooney Caravan. For many photos and videos of recent events and clinics, please visit https://mooneycaravan.shutterfly.com/. Check out our Facebook page by searching Mooney Caravan! I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all past Caravan participants to return for 2014 and to invite all Mooney pilots considering a trip to AirVenture this year to join us in Madison this summer. Chris “Toro” Shopperly President, Mooney Caravan Educational and Safety Foundation www.mooneycaravan.com
  6. 3rd Annual SW Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic Yuma, AZ-KNYL March 28,29,30 Schedule Friday, March 28 Arrivals: Afternoon on your schedule Basic and Advanced Ground School-18:00 Group Dinner: At Radisson-20:00 Saturday, March 29 Newbie Fam Flight Basic Training Sorties Advanced Training Sorties Group Debriefing/Taco BBQ Million Air Ramp Sunday, 30 March Mass Formation Sortie Departure Sponsorship provided by Million Air Yuma Clinic Fee: $50 Hotel: Radisson Yuma 928-783-8000 ask for Million Air rate FBO: Million Air 928-247-9571 Open to all aircraft types. Great training/great people/great venue Register in advance chiefpilot@aviationdoc.net or call Chuck Crinnian: 480-390-9080
  7. From the album: 6 Jan Formation

    SoCal Mooney Caravan Training Clinic - Paso Robles March 21-23, 2014
  8. 3rd Annual Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic Yuma, AZ-KNYL March 28,29,30 Schedule Friday, March 28 Arrivals: Afternoon on your schedule Basic and Advanced Ground School-18:00 Group Dinner: At Radisson-20:00 Saturday, March 29 Newbie Fam Flight Basic Training Sorties Advanced Training Sorties Group Debriefing/Taco BBQ Million Air Ramp Sunday, 30 March Mass Formation Sortie Departure Sponsorship provided by Million Air Yuma Clinic Fee: $50 Hotel: Radisson Yuma 928-783-8000 ask for Million Air rate FBO: Million Air 928-247-9571 Open to all aircraft types. Great training/great people/great venue Register in advance chiefpilot@aviationdoc.net or call Chuck Crinnian: 480-390-9080
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