I have been wondering what others experience when doing a "simulated engine out" exercise in their Mooney M20Js. My information manual has a glide distance chart which I have attached. At midweight of 2740 lbs. max glide is 90 knots with the prop windmilling. Using the chart, hypothetically my glide distance from 10,000 feet would be 19 nautical miles. When I do the math, this computes to a vertical speed of -787 ft/min at max glide. However, when I try this exercise in my aircraft my actual vertical speed at 90 knots is just about 1000 ft/min. Now the only thing that is different about my Mooney is that I have a 3 blade McCauley prop instead of the standard 2 blade. Would the extra blade on my prop be responsible for the difference in vertical speed? Does the extra prop blade mean that my best glide speed should be different from what is stated in the information manual?