Again I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of support you're showing me! I feel I'm letting you all down in saying this, but after dealing with this for over a year now I'm at the point that I really need to get out from the costs involved in keeping it around, between the loan payments, hangar fees, insurance, etc. I've got a guy on my home field who wants to buy the airplane - I don't know his long term intentions with it. That would get my loan paid off and let me start over. I'll go into my next Mooney purchase in a year or two with enough knowledge and experience to make a much better purchase and end up with a much better aircraft. I'm definitely hooked the idea of another short-body Mooney - it'll just take a little time to get there.
I would say that for someone to repair this aircraft repairing the existing wing would be the way to go, especially since I already have a new spar. The wing already has O&N bladders and is in otherwise good condition. A replacement wing would need a very thorough inspection to make sure it didn't have similar corrosion issues as mine. From what I've learned almost every early to mid sixties Mooney is prone to the corrosion due to Mooney using substandard material (sourced the 6061 from a supplier who had a problem with their heat treat procedure or something). After my plane was diagnosed the ripples went around my area with at least two other planes checked and found to have similar problems.
Thank you again for the amazing support, and I'll check in once in a while to stay connected to the aircraft and folks I appreciate the most!
Dave LaTourette