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Everything posted by fentho

  1. Going to bring her into the shop for better access. That area seems to be covered in some black material (?protective cover?). Getting the plane up on jacks should make the job easier. Updates to follow. Thom
  2. Thanks to all responders. I will check out the wheel well access and let you know.
  3. Seem to have lost the Trim Position indicator. No more black pointer. Trim easy to move with yoke thumb switch & wheel. Checked "position cable" under the trim wheel & it moves easily. Cannot access rear of trim position housing. Any ideas?? Thanks, Thom
  4. Anyone have or know of a used Powertow EZ they're willing to sell? Even one that needs some "rebuilding"!
  5. Try Redbird Electronics - Dallas, Tx 214-337-8958. Ralph Ryan knows these servos inside & out.
  6. Price reduced. Undergoing annual right now. 1986 Mooney M20J Special Edition.doc
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