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About Hogface

  • Birthday 10/13/1960

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    Flying, Boating, SCUBA, CNC Machines
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  1. Update: Mooney flew way differently, the significant pitch is now gone,and the yokes move much easier. Check yours bungees, grease is bad, Teflon is good. However it still oscillates +_60 feet and never settles in.(at 200fpm, but not the 1000fpm oscillations) During pitot static test found signicant leak on back of airspeed indicator, and seems to be a small hole in the diaphragm on airspeed indicator, so it will get sent in..It appears to be allowing small puffs of pitot air to hit static system and we were seeing the +_60 feet in pitot system test equipment similar to the autopilot. Also the Stec transducer was vertical instead of mounted horizontal which I guess is a big big no no.. These will be corrected and I will advise after that, but so far big progress. Thanks
  2. just an update.... Annual complete.. Turbo inlet probe, gear horn, and cleaning of the bungee's The yoke pressure is half of what it was (around14lbs) as near as can be measured. Waiting on a faring cover for the step and I will be able to test fly it.... The elevator at the tail moves much easier and the bungees required overnight soaking... more to follow... here is a shot during annual.
  3. Ok...wanted to give everyone an update. Since I had already tested the start voltage, and lines in cockpit checked, and unit seated, alt transducer checked, I did a deep dive in the tail. The plane is apart for annual, so timing was good. The bungees in the tail were terrible...years of grease sprayed on them by unsuspecting mechanics. We temporarily sprayed cleaner into the bungees and the elevator became much easier to move after just a few sprays and up and down movement. I had them removed and now soaking in chemical cleaner. While I don't know if this was the problem, I can assure you it wasn't helping. Going to also test the rest of the yoke while the elevator is disconnected too. I also cleaned the yokes and they slide much easier. After annual, the IFR certification get done.... Fingers crossed that root has been found.. I will update the group, and thanks for the help!
  4. I am chasing an autopilot issue. The autopilot is a Stec55x. It flies, in VS mode, and approaches with no issues. Altitude hold however, and you get a heck of a porpoise. I am wondering if my elevator yoke pressure is to high. Mine tested today (fish scale) to 28 lbs. to get deflection. Has or could anyone else measure there's? We have exhausted about everything else, from presure transducer to start voltage in the servo. It does with the trim motor on or off. Unit mounted very stable, and seats firmly. Tried different sources of static air. Validate 12vdc stability out of the unit. Down to yoke pressure...
  5. I need help....I am on my fourth M20 Turbo Bracket in 2 1/2 years. We have followed all directions and tried everything, from exhaust system rebuilds to relaxing and resetting all the inlets and turbo mounts. We started completely with the installation manual again from the ground up. My AP has contacted various other individuals, and spent a lot of time working the issue. Just wanting to know if anyone else out there is having or had the same problem. The brackets are getting pricing, and i just don't see them as a six month life item. The brackets have all cracked in different places, mostly around the two hold that hold the turbo, but as signficantly as the entire "fin" that holds the turbo. I love the performance it adds to the aircraft...but four? Additional information m20j 1990 Greg
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