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  1. Someone just pointed me to this thread. I see my name being taken in vain, and lots of criticism posted by folks who have never met or spoken to me and haven't a clue what I do. So I thought I'd make this post and engage any of you who have a bone to pick with me or don't care for my approach to maintenance (which is modeled after the approach used by the airlines and military and high-end bizjets, and based on the very best scientific research available into maintenance best practices) to engage me in discussion about these things rather than just throwing flames. FYI, I have not done my weekend seminar since the summer of 2010, as I'm just too busy managing actual maintenance of actual airplanes. My firm now manages the maintenance of 7% of the US fleet of Cirrus aircraft, and we've been growing 5% per month. We also manage the maintenance of a lot of Cessna singles and twins, quite a few Beech Bonanzas and Barons, and a handful of Mooneys. I have more than 20 years experience as a tech rep for the Cessna Pilots Association, helping thousands of Cessna owners deal with the thorniest mechanical problems that had their local mechanics stumped. Anyone who thinks that I'm a theoretician who doesn't deal with real-world issues on real-world airplanes is simply misinformed. I'm here. Fire away!
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