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  1. I recently purchased a well equiped 231. I'm finishing my IFR but we can't pick up a VOR or ILS until about 5-7 miles from them. Took to local avionics shop and they pulled the 530, HSI and everything looked good. They used a signal generator on the ground and had no problems. I pulled panels and checked antenna connections and appeared to be fine. I has the towel bar antenna. Someone suggested they could of lost there ground to the airframe, but they seem to be rivited on. How would you check this?
  2. Interested call me 615-504-2368.
  3. Wow, thanks Paul! that is the kind of advice im looking for.
  4. Well, I have been flying only 2.5 yrs. I bought a Beech Sierra to finish my private license in and flew until May. They are a 200 hp complex aircraft. The cabin is wider than a Bonanza and has 2 front doors. I have around 520 hrs ( 450 in the Sierra, 55 in the 231 now) total time. The 1 door is taking some getting use to (after you have had 2), more leg room in the rear seats for the wife and kids but a little more narrow. They stability and control feels are amazing. It is the most stable plane I have flown. Speed is, well its a turbo Mooney. I fly from Nashville, Tn to Oklahoma regularly and it cut an hour off that trip each way. Don Maxwell has done the annuals therefore it is in great shape with all the bells. Im finishing my IFR and except slowing the thing down it is by far a better IFR platform. I have put 55 hrs on it in 6 weeks and I am enjoying it. I would recomend the K model if you take trips etc. If only local flying I might would go to the J model. My 2 cents worth.
  5. I recently purchased N99376 a '81 231. It has the Merlin wastegate upgrade and I've ordered an intercooler (8 weeks out). Now I am looking to upgrade the induction intake to complete the LB upgrade. Any suggestions with the intake/ throttle body parts suppliers? Ive put 55 hrs on her in 6 weeks and she is a great machine! Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Anything going on (flyins)? Any recomendations for lunch in the Key's? I'll be in Orlando July 2-4.
  7. I'm a new 231 owner ( about 25hrs in type, 500 hrs in a Beech Sierra). Taking a trip to Orlando this weekend and will be at max gross. How do these planes react to this? With my Sierra it was a non issue. Thanks for the info. This is a great plane!
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