Last Friday when I landed at my home airport, after a GPS approach that put me in the clouds with light icing for about 15 minutes, the lineman noticed "smoke" coming out of my cowling. I went over to inspect and indeed there was a very light (thin) "smoke" eminating from the cowling. It didn't smell like electrical or oil or rubber had a funny smell that I didn't recognize.
The freezing level was about 2,000' that day, and PIREPS were reporting light to moderate rime in the clouds; tops were 4,600' and bases about 2,900'. Appraoch cleared me to 4,000 and kept me there for about 10 minutes vectoring me around our larger regional airport here. I primed the TKS about 80 miles out, on high pump mode; then I turned it on high again just before entering the clouds, then back to normal. After a couple minutes, I noticed a little ice building up on the leading edge of the wings, so I put the pump back on high setting for a couple minutes........when the ice dissappeared then I switched back to normal. After I broke out and had the runway in sight and knew I would be clear of clouds for the rest of the flight, I turned the TKS system off.
I'm thinking the "smoke" was excess TKS fluid that accumulated in the cowling and dripped down onto the muffler or other hot parts while taxiing in, and that produced the "smoke".
Has anyone else had this experience, or any advice?