I learned in a 152 also and recommend it. You WILL slam the thing into the runway at some point and check to see if you set off the elt, you will; A. Be Glad it's a rental. and B. Be Glad it's a 152 (bullitproof) super strong landing gear and the tail tiedown ring makes a great bumper when it hits the runway.
FYI what caused that hard landing was me not guarding the throttle on take off and my inst. closing it for me and not allowing me to re-open it so I used the yoke for airspeed (violent slam into the panel) and landed as quick as possible on the remaining runway. This was from maybe 150' up. That lesson I'll never forget. they want to see how quick you think, real simple here get airspeed and get to that runway now before its not an option I feel like I went straight down and flared at the runway. My inst. was a bit surprised at the violence of that execution to say the least.
Simulated surprise engine out procedures at 150Kts with an engine you own? why? do you have an extra $20,000 burning a hole in your pocket? A good inst will do all this stuff to you. My inst. during straight and level flight to a practice area turned off the fuel and the did an OH Sh** and watched me go through the procedure, lots of fun with a trainer.
Also a 152 has windows that open and doors that open in flight for steering lol and If you slide your seat back you get to use it as an elevator plus its nice and quiet and fun to slip there are a million reasons to do your first 30-50 hours in a little trainer. Oh and try and find a thin instructor they kinda narrow inside.