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    83' M20J

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  1. The wings were from a K model and the fuselage is the J model. The aircraft hit a fence years ago and Airmods @N87 specializes in Mooney's and put it together like that. That is how we purchased her in 2011.
  2. I am selling my 1/4 share in our 83' Mooney M20J. My 3 partners are excellent pilots & friends who keep the aircraft in excellent condition. One partner is a CFII, another is IFR and the 3rd is VFR. SMOH 925, next annual is due in Sept, New paint and scheme in 2012, New Aspen 1000 PFD with full panel clean up and upgrade, New GTN 650 touch screen, KFC 150 A/P (Great coupled approaches to min) panel mounted Garmin 496 with XM music, 75 gal tanks, JPI 700, Panel mounted iPad mini with WX via Stratus 2 unit, Speed brakes, canopy and tail covers, I have flown her to the bahama's last year as well as Canada a few times, Excellent IFR platform, Hangared at KLDJ. We have fixed costs per month and hourly charges. Please email me if interested and I will be glad to discuss further and show aircraft if truly interested. Regards, Mark
  3. Brian, Thanks for the info, We had the oil changed today and will be sending the sample out for testing. We had the engine repaired (IRAN was done)after a case crack appeared last year, so we were told to wait for at least 3 oil dchnages or 150-200 hours before we test the oil. We also keep 6 quarts and will now try 7 to see if that helps keep it cooler. The MSC mechanic said the temps were normal as long as we are below 135 steady.
  4. Just curious to see what other owner's are getting for thier oil temps in cruise? I have the IO360 and we are using the Aviation 100 oil. temps are sitting in the 226-227 area. I just remember them being in the high teens a couple of years ago. Once in a while I will open the cowl flaps about half to cool things down. The baffleing has been checked by a MSC and it is good. Any thoughts? Thank you, Mark
  5. Red Dragon Model MH-200 12v pre-heater F/S. The unit was only used twice before we went from tie down to Hangar and reiff heater on engine. Stored indoors and very clean. Comes with alligator clips to attach to battery or 12v accessory to plug into your car to run the fan. Propane tank not included. Item weighs 15lbs in box with packing material. Will ship via Fedex or USPS. Or you can pick up locally at KLDJ. See the link below for more info on the unit: https://www.sportys.com/Pilotshop/product/9681 $300 plus shipping.
  6. I actually read that a long time ago, guess I just forgot some of the basics.
  7. Got it, Thanks Bob.
  8. If it is the same what are they claiming is the difference between 100 and 15W50?
  9. We have been using the Aeroshell 15W50 for a while, Our oil temps seem to be rising (along with the summer temps) . Mike buschs recent article about oil highly disagrees with using Aeroshell 15W because it is only half syntehtic and recommneds philllips 66 XC or if you are using Aeroshell go with the 100W. Our A&P also said we coud switch to 100W. Just wanted to see what others are using? IO360 600hrs. Thanks, Mark
  10. We didnt add the MFD because we could not justify the cost for what it had, we have ADS-B wx on the ipad mini, terrain on the G430 and 496, and plates on the ipad mini. As far as replacing the 430 with another unit, it all comes down to what additional advantages it will give you for the price. We kept our KX155 because it was in great shape after he re tuned it, we were originally going replace it with a 2nd 430 or 530.
  11. The W&B was re-done by the shop based on all the items removed and then added. We will re weigh probably at annual. Love the Aspen.
  12. pilot716

    New panel

    Pics of the panel upgrade
  13. After a long 6 weeks the panel is complete! Mike at LV avionics has done a superb job of cleaning up the wiring mess behind the panel that has not been touched in years. They removed 36lbs of instruments including 9lbs of wiring. We netted 25lbs of usable weight. I will have more pics but here are a couple in the meantime of our Aspen pro 1000 PFD. He also finally fixed the autotrim gremlin that has affected our A/P for 2 years. All of our radios were re-tuned also. the right side of the panel just has our 496 and storm scope. She flys really nice.
  14. I do not own a pre-J plane worth 40K.....Its an 83 M20J worth about 120k...I will post pics.. when done in afew weeks.
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